
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - heofon

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add; In later specimens the word is often feminine, e.g. :-- Hoc caelum þeós heofen, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 86, ii. I. the overarching vault of sky, the sky, firmament, Falescis coelum scindi velut magno hiatu visum, 4, 8 ; S. 188, 26. Hí woldon witon hú heáh hit wǽre tó þǽm hefone, and hú ðicke se hefon wǽre and hú fæst, oððe hwæt þǽr ofer wǽre, Bt. 35, 4; F. 162, 21-23. Behealde hé on feówer healfe his hú widgille ðæs heofones hwealfa biþ, 19; F. 68, 22. Þá gigantas woldon tóbrecan ðone heofon under him (Jove), 35, 4; F. 162, 12. Byrnendne heofon, Exod. 73. I a. as the expanse in which the sun, moon, and stars are fixed :-- Firmamentum is þeós roderlice heofen mid manegum steorrum ámétt, Lch. iii. 254i 8: 232, 21. Tunglena heofon, Angl. vii. 12, 109. Þá þá Críst ácenned wæs, þá sende seó heofen níwne steorran, Hml. Th. i. 298, 26. Heofon ongeat hwá hine getremede tungolgimmum, Cri. 1150. Beneald þá tunglu þæs heán heofnes, Bt. 39, 13; F. 232, 26. Heofones tungul. Ors. 3, 5; S. 104, 18. Mon geseah swelce hit wǽre án gylden bring on heofonum brǽdre þonne sunne; and wæs from þǽm heofone brádiende niþer oþ þá eorþan, and wæs eft farende wið þæs heofones, 5, 10; S. 234, 8-11. Ðonne seó sunne on hádrum heofone beorhtost scíneþ, Bt. 9; F. 26, 15. Þá steorran synd fæste on þǽre heofene; þæt (what) menn geseóð feallan of þǽre heofone, swylce hyt sýn steorran, hyt beóð spearcan, Angl. viii. 320, 31: Cri. 940. Sceáwa heofon, hyrste gerím, rodores tungel, Gen. 2180. I b. considered as a revolving sphere :-- Seó heofon belýcð on hyre bósme ealne middaneard. And heó ǽfre tyrnð onbútan ús swiftre þonne ánig mylenhweól eal swá deóp under þyssere eorðan swá heó is bufan. Ealle heó is sinewealt and ansund, Lch. iii. 232, 17-21. Firmamentum is þeós roderlice heofen . . . seó firmamentum tyrnð symle onbútan ús. . . ac þǽr is ungerím fæc betweón hyre and þǽre eorðon, 254, 8-13. Firmamentum, ꝥ ys þeós heofon, heó ys gesewenlic and líchamlic . . . and heó ǽfre tyrnð onbútan ús, Angl. viii. 309, 44. Hwylces gecyndes is seó heofon ? Fýres gecyndes and sinewealt and symle turniende, vii. 12, 107: 14, 137. Se heofen mót brengon leóhte dagas and eft ꝥ leóht mid þeóstrum behelian, Bt. 7, 3 ; F. 20, 20. Wé wendað úre neb tó eástdǽle þǽr seó heofen áríst, Hml. Th. i. 262, ii. 6. Behealdaþ ðá hrædférnesse þisses heofenes, Bt. 32, 2 ; F. 116, 6. ¶ used figuratively :-- Míne þeówas sindon wísðómas and cræftas; mid þám þeówum ic eom ealne þone heofon ymbhweorfende, and þá niþemestan ic gebrenge æt þám héhstan, and þá héhstan æt þám niþemestan rotam volubili orbe versamus, infima summis, summa infimis mutare gaudemus, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 35. I c. the plural used with the same sense as the singular :-- Þæt weorc þínra fingra, þæt synd heofonas and móna and steorran, Ps. Th. 8, 4. Hé geseah áne hlǽdre standan æt him on eorðan. Óðer ende wæs uppe on hefenum (-onum, v.l.), Past. 101, 19: Chr. 773; P. 50, 20. On heofonum coelo, Ors. 5, 10; S. 234, 9 : 2, 6; S. 86, 22. God hét hyne lócian tó heofonum suspice coelum, Gen. 15, 5 : Bt. 39, 7 ; F. 222, 6 : Hml. Th. ii. 150, 23. Holm under heofonum, Gen. 161 : 1387 : Ph. 58. Hæleð under heofenum, B. 52. Ic gesié heofenas (caelos), werc fingra ðínra. Ps. Srt. 8, 4. I d. as the object towards which eyes or hands are directed under the influence of reverence or strong emotion :-- Hé his handa wæs uppweardes brǽdende wið þæs heofones (manus ad coelum tendens), and mid oferheortnesse him wæs wǽniende, Ors. 4, 5 ; S. 166, 19. Ic hebbe tó heofena míne hand and ic swerie, Deut. 32, 40. Hé nolde furðun his eágan áhebban úp tó þám heofone (heofne, L., R.), Lk. 18, 13. Hé beseah on þone heofon (heofun, R.), Mt. 14, 19. On þone heofon behealdende geómrode, Mk. 7, 34. Mid ábrǽdedum handum and in þá heofon lócigende, and mid teárum geómrigende. Hml. S. 23b. 701. I e. where great height is expressed by saying a thing reaches heaven. (l) physical :-- Micle burga and oð heofun fæste urbes magnae et ad coelum usque munitae, Deut. I. 28. Þá tó heofenum úp heáh ástígað ascendant usque ad coelos, Ps. Th. 106, 25 : Exod. 460: 492. Bryne stígeð heáh tó heofonum, Ph. 521. Dúst stonc tó heofonum, Ra. 30, 12. (2) of exalted position :-- Þú, Cappernaum, cwyst þú bysi þú úpáhafen oð heofen, Mt. ii. 23. II. the region of the atmosphere in which birds fly, clouds float, moisture is stored, v. heofon-fleógende, -flód, -fugol, -fýr, -wolcen :-- Seó heofon (hefon, L., heofunn, R.) wæs belocen þreó gér and syx mónþas, Lk. 4, 25. Heofon réce swealg, B. 3156. Of heofenes deáwe de rore coeli, Gen. 27, 28. Heofenes (heofnes, L., R.) fugelas, Lk. 13, 19. Se swéta mete ðe him cuóm of hefonum (cf. hét hé þá wídan duru wolceiv ontýnan heá of heofenum, and hider rignan mannum tó móse, Ps. Th. 77, 25), Past. 125, 20. Mon geseah weallan blód of eorþan, and rínan meolc of heofonum, Ors. 4, 3 ; l. 162, 7. III. the region beyond the visible sky :-- Ær þám þe gewíte heofon and eorþe, Mt. 5, 18. Þeós wlitige gesceaft, heofon and eorðe, An. 1440. III a. plural with force of singular :-- Bið gehýred mycel stefn on heofenum fyrdweorodes getrymnesse, and heofon biþ open on þǽm eástdǽle, and mycel mægen forþ cymeþ þurh þone openan dǽl, Bl. H. 91, 35. Ealle gesceafta, heofenas and englas, sunnan and mónan and eorðan, sǽand ealle fixas God gesceóp on syx dagum, Hml. Th. i. 14, 27. IV. one of the spheres into which the realms of space round the earth were divided by the early astronomers :-- Siofon heofonas sindon in gewritum leornode; ꝥ is se lyftlica heofon, and se oferlyftlica and se fýrena heofon and se stronga heofon þe wé rodor hafað, and se egeslica heofon and engla heofon and heofon þǽre hálgan ðrinnisse, Nap. 50. Ðonne bist þú bufan ðám swiftan rodore and lǽtst behindan þe þone héhstan heofon, Bt. 36, 2 ; F. 174, 16. V. the celestial abode of immortal beings. ( l) of God and his angels :-- Heofon is his þrymsetl, Hml. Th. i. 262, 4. Heofan, El. 753. Heofones waldend, Gen. 300. Ic hæbbe geweald tó gyrwanne seðl on heofne, 282. (I a) plural with same meaning as singular :-- Heofona freá, Gen. 1404. On heofona ríce, 254. Heofna ealdor. Sat. 567. On heáhsetle heafena ríces, Hy. 8, 29. Hé ǽr worolde rícsode on hefenum (-onum, v.l.), Past. 33, 13. Hé tó heofonum ástág, on his ealdcýððe, Cri. 737. Ic gefylle mid mé sylfum heofenas and eorðan, Hml. Th. i. 262, 3 : Men. 65. (2) of beatified spirits :-- Sié þára manna gehwám heofones duru ontýned, El. 1230. (2 a) pl. as sing. :-- Seó sáwl færð tó heofonum, Bt. 18, 4; F. 68, 14. Þú forgeáfe þám sáwlum eard on heofonum, 33, 4 ; F. 132, 19. (3) one of the seven heavens recognized by the Jews :-- Paulus árímde ðá diógolnissa ðæs ðriddan hefones, Past. 99, 8. Þá óðre heofenan þe bufan hyre (the firmamenf) synd and beneoðan synd ungesegenlice and mannum unásmeágendlice. Synd swá þeáh má heofenan (heofena, Angl. viii. 310, 3. , swá swá se wítega cwæð, 'Coeli coelorum, ' ꝥ is heofena heofenan. [Þás heofona tácniað þá apostolas and þá wítegan; be heom ys gecweden, 'Celi enarrant gloriam Dei,' Angl. viii. 310, 5.] Eác se apostol Paulus áwrát ꝥ hé wæs gelǽdd oð ðá þriddan heofenan, Lch. iii. 232, 21-26. Þeáh hé (Christ) on eorðan cenned wǽre, hwæðre his meahta spéd heáh ofer heofonum (or under I c ?) wunade, Ph. 641. Hefonas hé (St. Paul) ðurhfór mid his módes sceáwunga, Past. 99, 23. (4) the abode of heathen deities :-- Þte UNCERTAIN Job sceolde beón se héhsta god . . . and sceolde rícsian on heofenum, Bt. 35, 4; F. 162, 7. (5) applied figuratively to a righteous person :-- Se rihtwísa is heofen geháten, for ðam þe on rihtwísum mannum is Godes wunung, Hml. Th. i 262, 15. VI. the power or majesty of heaven; the ruler of heaven :-- Se wísdóm nis ufan cumen of hefenum . . . ac sé sé ðe of Gode cymð, hé bið gesibsum non est ista sapientia desursum descendens . . . Quae desursum esi sapientia, pacifica est, Past. 347, 25. Ic syngude on heofon, Lk. 15, 21. VI a. referring to heathen mythology :-- Job sceolde bión ðæs heofenes sunu, Bt. 35, 4; F. 162, 7. VI b. in asseveration or oaths :-- Ðæt gé ne swerian þurh heofon, Mt. 5, 34. Ic hæbbe tó gewítnisse heofen and eorðan testes invoco coelum et terram, Deut. 4, 26. VII. a condition of peace or happiness :-- Gif þú ðé ofsceamian wilt ðínes gedwolan, þonne onginne ic þé sóna beran and þé bringe mid mé tó heofonum. Bt. 3, 4; F. 6, 16. Ic gebrenge eáþmódnesse on heofonum, 7, 3; F. 22, 2. Ic wát ꝥ manegum men ðúhte ꝥ hé wǽre tó heofonum áhafen gif hé ǽnigne dǽl hæfde þára þínra gesǽlða þe ðú nú gét hæfst, II. l ; F. 33, 2:; . VIII. a ceiling :-- Húshefen oððe heofen, hróf (heofenhróf? but cf. lacunar hróf, 55, and for two alternatives after oððe v. e, 70: 36, 5: 47, 13) lacunar. Wrt Voc. ii. 50, 58. Heben, hús[heben] (? hebenhús, MS.) lacunar, 112, 34. v. hús-, úp-heofon; heofone. heofon

Mots connexes: heofon-hróf, -hwealf :-- Hé cwæð, 'Geweorðe heofen', and þǽrrihte wæs heofen geworht (cf. Gen. I. 6, 8), Hml. Th. i. 6, 1-2. Heofon biþ open on þǽm eástdǽle. and mycel mægen forþ cymeþ, and þone heofon oforþecþ . . . and seó heofon biþ gefeallen æt þǽm feówer endum middangeardes, Bl. H. 93, 1-5. Swelce eal se hefon birnende wǽre, Ors. 2, 6; S. 86. 23. Se heofen, 4, 7; S. 184, 22. Hié gesáwon swelce se hefon wǽre tóhliden
