
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - heofon-feld

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. A Northumbrian local name :-- Is seó stów on Englisc nemned Heofenfeld wæs heó geára swá nemned for tácnunge ðæra tóweardra wundra forðon ðe ðǽr ðæt heofonlíce sigebeácen árǽred beón sceolde and ðǽr heofonlíc sige ðam cyninge seald wæs vocatur locus ille lingua Anglorum Hefenfelth, quod dici potest Latine cælestis campus, quod certo utique præsagio futurorum antiquitus nomen accepit significans nimirum quod ibidem cæleste erigendum trophæum, cælestis inchoanda victoria, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524. 33. Seó stów is geháten Heofonfeld on Englisc wið ðone langan weall ðe ða Rómániscan worhton the place is called in English Heavenfield, by the long wall that the Romans made, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 96, 33. heofon-feld