Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - heolfor
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- heolfor
- n. Blood from a wound, gore; cruor :-- Blód út ne com heolfor of hreþre ðeáh mec bite stíðecg stýle there came not out blood or gore from my breast though the steel with stiff edge bit me, Exon. 130 a; Th. 499, 9; Rä. 88, 13. Heolfres þurstge thirsty for gore, 99 b; Th. 373, 24; Seel. 114. Flód blóde weól hátan heolfre blood and hot gore bubbled up in the water, Beo. Th. 2850; B. 1423: 1702; B. 849: 2609; B. 1302: Andr. Kmbl. 2483; An. 1243: 2555; An. 1279: Cd. 166; Th. 206, 9; Exod. 449: Th. 208, 1; Exod. 476. heolfor