Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - heord-rǽden[n]
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- heord-rǽden[n]
- Add: I. watching as a sentinel on guard :-- Swylce hyrdrǽdenu on nihte þá þe for náhte beóþ gehæfde tamquam custodia in nocte quae pro nihilo habentur. Ps. L. 89, 4. II. watching over as a protector or guide, watchful care to prevent another suffering or doing wrong :-- Se abbod mid ealre emhýdignesse carige embe þá gyltendan gebróðru . . . on eallum gemete hý scylun lǽca þeáwe on heora heordrǽddenne notian, R. Ben. 51, 2. Sýn þá cild á behealdene mid steóre and mid mycelre heordrǽdenne ǽghwǽr pueri parvi ubicumque custodiam habeant, 117, II. Heordrǽdene, R. Ben. I. 106, 12. Mid ealre heordrǽdenne (custodia) geheald heortan þíne (keep eny heart with all diligence. Prokeep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, Ecclus. 42, II), 177, 3. III. watching over animals, care of a herdsman :-- Hire hyrdeman ðurh holdrǽdene sume ác ástáh and his orf lǽswode . . . and hé hearde feóll gewát of worulde tó Gode for ðǽre hylde his hirdrǽdene (for the fidelity of his care of the cattle), Hml. Th. ii. 150, 33. IV. a guard, watch, persons or things that guard :-- Neorxnawanges get is gehealden þurh engla þénunge and fýrene hyrdrǽdene, Angl. vii. 30, 288. Sete, Drihten, heordrǽdene mínum móðe. Hml. S. 30, 209. Heordrédena sé þe gesihð swícunge hit getácnað custodias qui uiderit deceptionem significat, Lch. iii. 202, ij. - V a place for keeping :-- Hig gesetton þá burh æppla tó hyrdrédenne posuerunt Hierusalem in pomorum custodiam, Ps. L. 78, I. heord-rædenn