
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - herian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to extol the merits of, express approbation of :-- Wé heriað (-igad, ). Past. 230, 7. Herigeað (-igað, v. l.), l. Heriegeað, 39, 8. Hé hit herede, 53, 8. Lǽrað hí hit ǽlcne ðára ðe hit gehiérð herian, 427, 17. Hcrigean, 55, 7. Tó herianne (-igeanne, v. l.), 52, 19. Tó herigenne, 353, 25. Hered, 451, 19. II. to extol the attributes of Deity :-- Heraþ concelebrat, An. Ox. 2612. On dægred man sceal God herian, Btwk. 194, JO. v. á-, efen-, ge-, wíd-herian; mæþel-hergende un-hered. herian

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