Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hete-líc
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hete-líc
- adj. Inspired by hate, hostile, malicious, evil:-- Heorowearh hetelíc a wolf hostile and malignant, Beo. Th. 2538; B. 1267. Mid hetelícum geþance with evil intent, H. R. 99. 4. Atregeas and Thiges-þres hú hí heora fæderas ofslógan and ymb hiora hetelícan forlignessa ic hit eall forlǽte Atrei et Thyestis odia, stupra et parricidia dissimulo, Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 42, 20. [O. Sax. heti-lík: O. H. Ger. haz-líh invidus; Ger. hässlich ugly, wicked.] hete-lic