Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - híwung
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- híwung
- Add :-- Figmenta, i. plasmatio, mendacia híwunga, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 78. I. shaping, forming of material :-- Adam lifde æfter þǽre menniscan híwunge .dcccc. wintra and þrittig wintra; and þé sexteoþegan geáre fram his híwunge hé gegylte, Angl. xi. 1, 13-16. II. shape of a material object, frame, make, constitution :-- Hé sylf oncneów híwunga l gescapennysse (figmentum) úre, Ps. L. 102, 14. II a. shape, form, species, kind of non-material object :-- Nis nán ásecgendlic oððe unásecgendlic fracodlicnysse híwung þæs ic ne sih tihtende and lǽrende, Hml. S. 23. 5, 383. III. transformation, taking of another shape :-- Hí woldon mid heora híwunge (the taking by evil spirits of the figures of various animals) þæs hálgan weres mód áwendan, Guth. Gr. 139, 10. IV. an illusory shape, deceptive appearance :-- Galdra híwung litigum híwunge híwedan fordwán prestrigiarum scena (i. umbra) (quam) callido fantasmate (falsi nebulones) schematizarunt ... disparuit, An. Ox. 4057. Smeágende hwæðre hit gást wǽre þæt þǽr mid hwylcere híwunga gebǽde hí putans ne spiritus esset, qui se fingeret orare, Hml. S. 23 b, 281. V. pretending to do what is not really done :-- Ðá bǽdon hí ... ꝥ ... hé dyde swilce hé ǽte ... and swá mid ðǽre híwunge him sylfum geburge. Ðá cwæð hé: 'Ic eom eald tó híwigenne ... bið mín híwung þám geongum tó forwyrde, Hml. S. 25, 90-97. V a. a pretence, trick :-- Heówunga praestigias, An. Ox. 2238. VI. pretending to be what one is not, simulation :-- Ǽlc híwung is antsǽte Gode, Hml. S. 12, 246. Hé wiste ꝥ hé mid feóndlicum cræfte ne mihte bedydrian Martines gesihðe ... wæs ðá geswutelod his híwung, 31, 827. Wǽron óþre gedwolan Antecrístes lima, mid árleásra híwunge, 832. Hú hé árásode þá híwunge Totillan de simulatione Totilae deprehensa, Gr. D. 130, 13. Se deófol gedéð ꝥ se man þurh lícetende híwunge déð, swylce hé andgytful sý, þe lytel can tó geráde, Wlfst. 53, 4. Þurh leáse híwunge, 8. VI a. pretence of piety or goodness, hypocrisy :-- Hí sceolon habban eáðmódnysse on heora æðelum þeáwum mid nánre híwunge, Hml. A. 39, 385. Manega geleáfan Crístes ná lufiað, ac þæne þurh leáse híwunge gehealdan hí gehíwiað multi fidem Christi non amant, sed eandem per hypochrisin tenere se simulant, Scint. 129, 12. VII. of speech, (1) false speech, fiction :-- Híwung oððe leásspel figmentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 43. Híwungum commentis (haereticorum lenocinantibus illectus), An. Ox. 2911. Híwunga frivola (falsitatis vaticinantem), 1929. (2) speech in which the apparent meaning is not the real, irony :-- Hironiam þurh smicernesse and híwunge, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 54.