Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hlȳdan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hlȳdan
- Add; -- Hlȳdad strepunt, Germ. 388, 14. I. of persons, (l) to speak loud, cry aloud, chatter :-- Ic hlȳde garrio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 62. Hē ongan clypian and hlȳdan clamare coepit. Bd. 3, II; Sch. 240, l. Þā ongann hē mid micelre stefne hlȳdan (perstrepere), Gr. D. 64, 23. Sió hlȳdende garrula (pagina), Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 5 : 40, 56. Hlȳdendra garrulorum (loquacitas), An. Ox. 5437. Hlȳdendum gar-rientibus, 4195. (l a) with object :-- Stefn smoeda hlȳded vox canora concrepet, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 202, 5. Hlȳde garriat .i. uociferet (eundem adisse). An. Ox. 1955. (2) where there is disorderly conduct :-- Sē de wile drincan and dwǣslīce hlȳdan, drince him æt hām, nā on Drihtnes hūse, Hml. S. 13, 84. Hē onfēng þæs hlȳdendan folces andgyte tumultuantis turbae suscepit sensum, Gr. D. 265, 6. Hlȳdende menio turbam tumultuantem, An. Ox. 61, 7 : Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 39. II. of animals :-- Hlȳdan reboasse (aurea quadrupes mugitum reboasse de-scribitur, Ald. 20, 35), An. Ox. 11, 126. III. of things :-- Pīplic swegelhorna hlȳdende blende musica sambucorum (harmonia) per-sultans insonuerit, An. Ox. 1646. hlydan