
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hlīsa

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. in reference to persons. (l) where knowledge of a person's greatness is widespread, fame :-- His hlīsa āsprang tō Syrian lande, Hml. S. 16, 137. Āsprang his hlīsa geond þā land wīde, 26, 239. Gif hæleda hwone hlīsan lyste, Met. 10, 1. Sē þe wile wīslīce æfter þām hlīsan spyrian, þonne ongit he swīþe hraþe hū lytel hē bid, Bt. 18, I; F. 60, 28. Heora gemynd onweg gewāt mid þām myclan hlīsan the memory of them passed away along with the great fame (? the Latin is: Periit memoria eorum cum sonitu), Ps. Th. 9, 7. Gē þone hlīsan habban tiliad ofer dióda mā þonne eów þearf sié, Met. 10, 22. (2) where a certain character is attributed to a person, reputation, repute :-- Sint tō manienne dā de yfel dēgellīce dōd and gōd openlīce, dæt hī gedencen hū hrædlīce se eordlica hlīsa ofergǣd (humana judicia quanta velocitate evolant), Past. 447, 30. Gōd word and gōd hlīsa ǣlces monnes biþ betera þonne ǣnig wēla, Bt. 13; F. 38, 23. Iōhannes wæs wanigende on his hlīsan, for dan de hē weard oncnāwen wītega, sē de wæs lytle ǣr Crīst geteald, Hml. Th. i. 356, 35. Beó ā getreówra donne dē mon tō wēne, dȳ lǣs men wēnan dæt dū nāne næbbe būton wid hlīsan (unless you get credit for it), Proglory :-- Nǣfre hlīsan āh Meotud þan māran þonne hē wid monna bearn wyrced weldǣdum no more glorious attribute has the Maker than his mercy to man, Az. 85. (2 a) where special characteristics are attributed, reputation (α) for something, the thing expressed (or implied) by a noun :-- Hlīsa rumusculus (speciali castimonia), An. Ox. 717. Hlīse singalre opinio crebra (lectionis assiduitate), II. 162. Wilnung ungemetlices hlīsan gōdra weorca. Bt. 18, l ; F. 60, 24. Hī willad habban done hlīsan hāligdōmes odorem de se extendere sanctae opinionis quaerunt, Past. 439, 34: Gū. 31. (β) of being or doing something, with clause :-- His hlīsa weóx . . . þæt hē sōd God wæs. Hml. Th. i. 356, 33. Ne hē ne scrīfe dæs hlīsan būton hū hē ryhtosd wyrce, Past. 323, 17. For dām gōdan hlīsan (dæt hié gifule dyncen), 339, 25. Monige menn noldan done hlīsan habban dæt hié unwiése sién, nonnulli aestimari hebetes nolunt, 67, 2. Monig mon dēd micel fæsten, and hæfd done hlīsan dæt hē hit dō for forhæfdnesse . . . monig bid āgiéta his gōda, and wilnad mid dȳ geearnigan done hlīsan dæt hē sié rūmgiful saepe sub parsimoniae nomine se tenacia palliat, contraque se effusio sub appetta-tione largitatis occultat, 149, 4-8. Hē wæs . . . beorn bōca gleáw. Boitius se hæle hātte, sē þone hlīsan geþah, Met. I. 53. Þone eádegan hlīsan faustam famam (Ald. 161, 12), Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 16: 37, 31. (3) report of those who no longer exist :-- Hwæt is hiora here būton se hlīsa ān ?, Met. 10, 54. (4) what is told about a person :-- Nis ūs se hlīsa tō forswigianne þe be dām eádegan Gregorie durh ealdra manna sage tō ūs becōm nec silentio praetereunda opinio, quae de beato Gregorio traditione maiorum ad nos usque perlata est, Bd. 2, l; Sch. 108, 20. II. in reference to a thing. (l) fame of something admirable or remarkable :-- Se gesǣliga hlīsa hire geornfulnesse felix industriae eius rumor, Bd. 4, 23 ; Sch. 472, 16. Hī þancunge dydonfor heora gemētinge. THORN;ā āsprang se hlīsa (the fame of this event) geond ealne þone hīred, Hml. S. 30, 384. ꝥ tācnode þone hlȳsan þǣre fǣmnan hālignysse, Shrn. 149, 3. Hī his wīsdōmes hlīsan healdad, Gū. 128. (2) approbation, applause :-- Herelof, hlīsa rumusculus (virtu-tum), An. Ox. 456, 4. Hlīsena rumorum, i. opinionvm (integritatem immensis rumorum laudibus prosequitur, Ald. 26, 7), 1918. Hlīsum rumusculis (cujus vitam tantis opinionum rumusculis extollit, Ald. 33, 29), 7, 150. v. mǣr-, un-, weorold-hlīsa. hlisa

Mots connexes: K. 76. Wilnigaþ monige men anwealdes de hié woldon habban gōdne hlīsan, þeáh hī his unwyrþe sién, Bt. 18, I ; F. 60, 26. ¶ used of the Deity,
