
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hogian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to think, have such and such thoughts :-- Gif ne eádmōdlīce ic hogade si non humiliter sentiebam, Ps. Srt. 130, 2. I a. with an object, to hove as an object of thought :-- Gē on heortan hogedon inwit, Ps. Th. 57, 2. II. to be wise, prudent, &c. :-- Ne hogedon ongeatan noa sapuerunt intellegere, Ps. Srt. ii. p. 195, 1. Dysge hwīlum hogiad stulti aliquando sapite, 93, 8. III. to think about, employ thought about a matter :-- Þū tō lyt hogedest ymbe þone ende þīnes līfes, Wlfst. 260, 20. Hē lihthwōn hogode embe his sāwle þearfe, Hml. S. 26, 243. Seó burhwaru orsorhlīce wæs underdeódd flǣsclicum lustum, and hwōnlīce hogode ymbe dā tōweardan yrmda, Hml. Th. i. 404, 32. Hwilce mēde hæfde hē for þām ꝥ hē swā holdlīce hogode embe mē ? quid pro hac fide praemii consecutus est? Hml. A. 98, 218. IV. to take thought in order to do something, busy oneself :-- Reádre deáge ceácan on heore wīsan deágian hogaþ rubro stibio mandibulos suatim fucare satagit, An. Ox. 1209. Hogiaþ satagunt (ornamentis vestium decor art), 5121. Mid dām þe ic hogode helpan þīnum wīfe while I was busy trying to help your wife, Hml. S. 36, 363. Hogede satageret, An. Ox. 4218. V. to take heed, take care to secure a result :-- Hogode curauit (pastor et foeminas prohibere), An. Ox. 5160. Nū sceole wē hogian mid mycelre gȳmene ꝥ ūre līf beó swā gelōgod ꝥ ūre ende endige on God, Hml. S. 16, 5. Wē sceolon carfullīce hogian þæt wē tō dǣre ēcan freólstīde becumon, Hml. Th. i. 548, 4. VI. to have anxious thought, be anxious, troubled :-- Hē swīde hogad and geómerad hine swā gebundenne ligatum se uehementer ingemiscat, Bd. I. 27 ; Sch. 97, 21. Hī ne hogodon nā þeáh hī eallunga hyre sāwle ādwǣscton, Gr. D. 73, 18. Se apostol hogiende and geómriende cwæd gemebat dicens, Bd. l, 27 ; Sch. 98, 4. VII. where thought implies intention, purpose, endeavour, printed hogcende) im-minens, Germ. 392, 41. (l) with acc. :-- Gif þæt mōd mid dwyrlicum gedōhtum hogad ōdrum dara, Hml. Th. i. 412, 28. Hogiende, serwiende molientes (aliud argumenti genus). An. Ox. 2939. (2) with infin. :-- ꝥ ꝥ ofer byd ic hohgie gedēlan, Solil. H. 35, 19. Snytrian hog[iad], menegiaþ philosophari decreuimus, An. Ox. 5393. Hogode molirelur (euertere), 3446. Wæccum hoga geþeódan fæstenu uigiliis stude copu-lare ieiunia, Scint. 55, 10. Hogige ælmyssan syllan studeat eleemosynam dare, 110, I. Hogede leoþewǣcan mitigare nileretur, An. Ox. 3803 : moliretur, 4230. (3) with clause :-- Gefirn ic hyt hohgode ꝥ ic hine sceolde forseón, Solil. H. 35, 12. Ic hohggode ꝥ ic scolde nān habban, 36, 10. Ic on mōde mīnum hogade þæt ic wolde tōworpan bearn Hēlendes, Sat. 84. Hogien[dum] nitentibus (ut . . . ), An. Ox. 4374. (4) with preposition :-- Hī on heortan hogedon tō nīde, Ps. Th. 77, 20. Hī tō swice hogedon, 82, 3. [v. N. E. D. how, howe.] hogian

Mots connexes: hogung :-- Hogiende (?
