
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hoh-full

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. careful, that takes care or pains :-- Emhȳdi, hohful zelotypus, An. Ox. 2277. Hē sī gewordan hohful reddatur de suis ratiociniis sollicitus, R. Ben. I. 17, 7. Hohfullum (carefullan, R. Ben. 72, 12) brēder betǣce þās gīmene solicito fratri injungat hanc curam, 80, 15. II. thoughtful, prudent :-- Sum sācerd . . . hohful on mōde (cf. edoctus monitis, Vit. Cuth. poet. c. 30), Hml. Th. ii. 152, 6. III. anxious, troubled :-- Hē bid odde untrum odde hohfull, Hml. S. 12, 84 : Wlfst. 142, 6. Ne beó dū hohful, lā wīf, þīn sunu leofad, 152, 19. Hē dā swīde hohful weard and feól tō his fōtum flōwendum teárum (cf. provolutus ejus pedibus fusis cum gemitu lacrimis. Vit. Cuth. c. 28), Hml. Th. ii. 152, 10. Nelle þū leng beón hohful be þīnre dēhter. Hml. S. 33, 290. IV. denoting anxiety :-- Ǣmtig wamb and gyrla hohfull Drihten bitt inanis venter et habitus luctuosus Dominant deprecatur, Scint. 43, 5. V. persistent, per-severing. Cf. hogian; VII :-- Þā þā se munuc lange þurhwunode on þǣre ānwilnysse, þā cwæd se hālga tō þām hohfullum munece. Hml. S. 31, 1084. hoh-full