
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hopian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to look (mentally) with expectation to (to), hope for :-- Ān is þæt dū hefst and brīcst and lufast þæt dæt þū ǣr tō hopedest. Eálā hweder ic ǣfre cume tō dām de ic tō hopie, Solil. H. 27, 15. Hē forsihþ þās eorþlican gōd and hopaþ tō þām tōweardum, Bt. 12 ; F. 36, 26. Gehiéren dā unblīdan dā leán dæs gefeán de hié tō hopiad tristibus inferenda sunt laela, quae promittuniur, Past. 187, 18. Hū sōdlic sió heánes is de hié tō hopiad and eác habbad quam sit vera excellentia, quam sperando tenent, 299, 5. Þonne man wāt þæt hē ēr tō hopede, Solil. H. 29, 6. Se sige þe eall Angelcynn tō hopode, Chr. 1009 ; P. 139, 8. Hī tō dām sceatte hopedon they hoped to get the offered reward, Hml. S. 23, 53. Ðȳ lǣs hē eallunga āfealle donon de hē fæsdlīcost tō hopian scolde ne ab eo, quad robuste sperare debuit, funditus cadat, Past. 395, II. II. to be hopeful about (with gen.) :-- Hē dā wæs geortrūwod þæs cildes, and gehwearf gedyldelīce hopiende þæs ōdres he was in despair about the one child, and returned patient, being hopeful about the other, Hml. S. 30, 179. III. to trust, have confidence :-- Tō þē ic hopige, Drihlen ad te, Domine, cla-mabo, Ps. Th. 27, 1. Hopa, mīn mōd, tō Drihtne and gebīd his willan expecta Dominum, 26, 16. ꝥ is se hiht, ꝥ hē hopige tō Gode ǣgder ge on gelimpe ge on ungelimpe and nǣfre ne ortrūwige be Godes ārfæstnysse. Hml. S. 16, 250. Ūs is tō hopigenne on þæs Hǣlendes gescyldnesse, sē de ūs tihte þus: ' Confidite, ego uici mundum', Angl. vii. 28, 270. III a. to trust that (with clause or (?) acc. and infin.) :-- Hopiad confidimus (laetabundos fore fiducialiter confidimus), An. Ox. 3034. Hopiad confidunt (caeterorum praeconia se transcendere con-fidunt), 940. III b. combining III and III a :-- Ic hopige on Drihten ꝥ hē mē wylle āhreddan, Hml. S. 14, IV. to hope for :-- Witodlīce þæt gesihd ǣghwylc hwæt hē hopige? Gif sōdlīce þæt wē nā geseód wē hopiad, þurh geþyld wē geandbidigad, Scint. 130, 5. Forgyfenysse wē hopian ueniam speremus, 19. IV a. with clause, to hope that :-- Ic hopige ꝥ cherubin se mǣra æt wesan wylle, Angl. viii. 325, 30. IV b. to hope of () a person that :-- Hopode and gewil-node ꝥ hē hine þām abbode befæste petiit ab eo ut eum abbati commit-teret, Gr. D. 27, 23.

Mots connexes: ā-, ge-hopian. hopian
