
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hreówsung

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. Sorrowing, sorrow, penitence, repentance :-- Hreówsung pœnitudo, Hpt. Gl. 510. Se apostol bebeád ðæt hí þrítig daga be hreówsunge dǽdbétende Gode geoffrodon the apostle ordered that they for thirty days with penitence should offer to God doing penance, Homl. Th. i. 68, 17. Gif hí hwæt gesyngodon hí hit eft mid hreówsunge gebéton if they sinned in aught they should make amends therein with repentance, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 14. Hig hreówsunge dydon pœniterent, Lk. Skt. 10, 13. Ðæt hé þurh ða hreówsunga geméte forgiefnesse beforan ðære soþfæsðnesse ut per lamenta veniam in conspectu veritatis obtineat, Past. 21, 7; Swt. 165, 22. Forlǽtaþ eówre hreówsunga cease your lamentations; capita vestra nolite nudare et vestimenta nolite scindere, Leaccording to the penitence of his own heart, L. Pen. 3; Th. ii. 278, 11. [Orm. reowwsunnge.] v. be-hreówsung. hreowsung

Mots connexes: 10, 6. Be his sylfes heortan hreówsungum
