Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hú
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hú
- Add; I. in direct questions. (1) qualifying a verb. (a) in what way?:--Hú mæg þis þus geweorþan?, Bl. H. 7, 21. Hú mæg ic andsware ǽnige findan?, Cri. 183. (a α) with ellipsis of the rest of the sentence, how (would it be) if . . .:--Hú þonne gyf þú ne meaht?, Solil. H. 40, 1: 6: 39, 20. (b) with what reason?:--Hú (quo modo) miht þú secgan þínum bréþer, 'Læt . . . ?,' Lk. 6, 42. Hú (húmeta, W. S.) cweþestú . . .?, Mt. R. L. 7, 4. Hú þearf mannes sunu máran treówe?, Exod. 425. (c) with what meaning?, to what effect?:--Hwæt is gewriten on þǽre ǽ? hú rǽtst þú?, Lk. 10, 26. (d) with intensive addition:--Sé ðe eáran worhte, hú sé oferhleóður ǽfre wurde? qui plantavit aurem, non audiet?, Ps. Th. 93, 9. (2) used interjectionally to introduce a question, what?, why?:--Ðú, Capharnaum, hú wið in heofonum ðú ðec áhefes? tu, Capharnaum, numquid usque in caelum exaltaberis?, Mt. L. 11, 23. Hú ! onsuæræstú suǽ ðǽm biscobi? sic respondis pontifici?, Jn. L. 18, 22. (2 a) mostly with negative questions:--Hú nys seó sáwl sélre þonne mete? nonne anima plus est quam esca?, Mt. 6, 26: Lk. 17, 17. Hú lá ! ne wurpe wé þrý cnihtas intó þám fýre?, Hml. Th. ii. 20, 12. Lá hú ne gewídmǽrsude? nonne percrebruit?, An. Ox. 2374. Hú ne nú [God] sécð þás? nonne Deus requiret ista?, Ps. Rdr. 43, 22: 38, 8. (3) qualifying adj. or adquot panes habetis?, Mt. 15, 34. Hú lange beó ic mid eów? hú lange forbere ic eów? quousque ero vobiscum? usque quo patior vos?, Mt. 17, 17. Wilt þú hú lange edwít þolian feóndum? usque quo improperabit inimicus?, Ps. Th. 73, 10. (3 a) with the case of a noun used adverbially:--Hú gerádes (qua mente) mæg se biscep brúcan ðǽre hirdelican áre?, Past. 133, 3. II. in direct exclamations:--Hú beorht O! preclara, An. Ox. 1266. Hú (hú swíðe, R., L.) beó ic geþreád, Lk. 12, 50. Efne hú glædlic bið and gód swylce ecce quam bonum et quam jucundum, Ps. Th. 132, 1: Bt. 16, 2; F. 52, 3. Hú þǽr wæs unefen racu unc gemǽne, Cri. 1460. III. in dependent questions and exclamations, (1) qualifying a verb (a) in dependence on verbs of ordering, telling, asking, hearing, remembering, thinking, knowing, caring, trying:--Ic cýðe and wrítan háte hú mín willa is, C. D. i. 310, 3: 316, 3. Hí rehton him hú (qualiter) hit gedón wæs, Mk. 5, 16. Hwanon hé cymð and hú hé byð and tó hwan hé gewyrð wé ámearkodon, Angl. viii. 312, 47. Se godspellere sǽde hú Drihten cwæþ tó Petre, Bl. H. 23, 12: 15, 3. Seó cwén ongan fricggan . . . hú on worulde ǽr wítgan sungon be Godes bearne, El. 561. Wurdon hí blíðe syððan hí gehýrdon hú seó hálige spræc, Jud. 160. Geþencað hú hé spræc wið eów recordamini qualiter locutus est uobis, Lk. 24, 6. Úton geþencan hú (hwæt, v. l.) Iacób cwæð, Ll. Th. i. 196, 1: An. 639: 962. Geðóhte huu wæs l wére ðiós groeteng cogitabat qualis esset ista salutatio, Lk. L. R. 1, 29. Tó gewitane hú gedón mann hé wæs, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 16. God ána wát hú his gecynde bið, Ph. 356. Men ne cúðon hú áfæstnod wæs feldhúsa mǽst, Exod. 85. Nú is undyrne hú þá wihte hátne sindon, Rä. 43, 16. Ꝥ gé ne sorgige . . . hú gé eówic gearwige (quid induamini), Mt. R. 6, 25. Hé cunnode hú hié cweðan woldon, Dan. 531: Jud. 259. On sefan sécan hú . . ., El. 474. Sirwan hú . . ., Sat. 499. (a α) where the verb on which the clause depends is not expressed:--Hú man sceal gyldan twelfhyndes man, Ll. Th. i. 174, 12: 178, 1 (a form like Hér cýð might be supplied). (a β) where the verb on which the clause depends has an object, to which the clause is in apposition:--Árece ús þæt gerýne, hú þú eácnunge onfénge, Cri. 75. Þisses fugles gecynd fela gelíces bi Crístes þegnum beácnað, hú hí beorhtne gefeán healdað, Ph. 389. Wyrd ne cúðe freóndrǽdenne, hú heó from hogde, Jul. 34. Hú magon wé swá dýgle áhicgan on sefan þínne, hú þé swefnede, Dan. 131. Bið wundra má þonne hit ǽnig mæge áþencan, hú þæt gestun and se storm brecað bráde gesceaft, Cri. 991. Feorh ne bemurndan . . . hú þæs gástes síð æfter swyltcwale geseted wurde, An. 155. ¶ the object a pronoun:--Hycgað his ealle hú gé hí beswícen, Gen. 433. Ne mæg ic þæt gehicgan, hú ic in þǽm becwóm, Sat. 179. Þæs gíman nele waldend, hú . . ., Cri. 1570. (a γ) where the verb on which the clause depends has an object to which the clause is not in apposition:--Englas beweardiað þananforð manna gehwylcne, hú hé gelǽste . . ., Wlfst. 144, 19. Gewát neósian húses, hú hit Hring Déne gebún hæfdon, B. 116. Wæs þæs wyrmes wíg wíde gesýne . . . hú se gúðsceaða Geáta leóde hýnde, 2318: 2948. (b) in dependence on nouns of meaning akin to the verbs mentioned in (a):--Ðis is seó gerǽdnyss hú mon ðæt hundred haldan sceal, Ll. Th. i. 258, 2. Tó béhðe, hú hyre æt beaduwe gespeów, Jud. 175. Þá ealdan race, hú þú yfle gehogdes, Cri. 1398. Þæt is fyrn sægen, hú hé weorna feala wítu geþolode, An. 1492. (b α) independence on adjectives:--Wearð ꝥ mǽden mycclum hohful hú heó ǽfre wæras wissian sceolde, Hml. S. 2, 122. (2) with weakened meaning, nearly with the force of that, introducing indirect statements. (a) after verbs as in (1 a):--Hig rehton . . . hú hig hine oncneówan on hláfes brice, Lk. 24, 35. Gehérað . . . hú Drihten wolde cuman tó þǽre stówe þe hé on þrowian wolde, Bl. H. 15, 5. Hí tó rǽde gerǽddon . . . hú hí God weorðodon, Ll. Th. i. 350, 7. Geþencan wé hú Drihten cwæð, 'Eádige beóþ þá þe nú wépað', Bl. H. 25, 19. Hé þóhte hú hé him strenglicran stól geworhte, Gen. 273. Fyrd eall geseah hú þǽr hlifedon hálige seglas, Exod. 89. (a α). Cf. (1 a α):--Hú þá deófla on Brytisc sprǽcon, Guth. Gr. 135, 1, and often (cf. similar use of þæt v. þæt; V. 2). (a β). Cf. (1 a β):--Gé on lóciað . . . fǽrwundra sum, hú ic sylfa slóh . . . gársecges deóp, Exod. 280. Cýðan godspelles gife, hú se gásta helm . . . ácenned wearð, El. 176. Gé wítgena láre onféngon, hú se líffruma in cildes hád cenned wurde, 335. Ússa yrmða geþenc, hú wé hwearfiað heánlíce, Cri. 371. (b) Cf. (1 b):--Þá angan Thomas his sprǽce, hú hé cóm tó Cantwarebyri, and hú se arb áxode hýrsumnesse, and hé hit forsóc, Chr. 1070; P. 206, 10. (b α). Cf. (1 b α):--Wæs hé gemyndig, hú hé in yrmðum wunade, An. 163. (3) introducing a noun clause:--Bið þridde tácen, hú (cf. án is . . . þæt, 1239, óðer is . . . þæt, 1244) . . . þæt gesǽlige weorud gesihð þæt fordóne þrowian, Cri. 1248. Nis ǽnig wundor, hú seó unclǽne gecynd ondréde, 1016. Þæt is wundres dǽl, hú mec seaxes ord and seó swíðre hond . . . geþýdan, Rä. 61, 12. Hé hæfde him tó gamene . . . hú hé eorðcyningas yrmde, Met. 9, 47: Sat. 196: Exod. 244. (4) qualifying an adj. or adv.:--Gé ne geþenceað . . . hú fela (hú monige, R. quot) wylegena gé námon, Mt. 16, 9. Gemyne hú mycel yfel þé gelamp, Bl. H. 31, 13: 33, 25: Wand. 30. Hú þú æþele eart, Hy. 3, 14: 18. IV. introducing a relative clause. (1) in what way:--Gefada embe lóca hú þú wylle, Hml. S. 3, 285. (v. lóc(a) in Dict.) Ábídan miclan dómes, hú him metod scrífan wille, B. 979. (2) qualifying an adj. or adv., to what extent (in a correlative phrase):--Á hú lenge swíðe, Ps. Srt. 37, 9. (3) with antecedent noun (or pronoun):--Hé geworhte ánes fearres anlícnesse of áre tó ðon, þonne mon þá earman men oninnan dón wolde, hú se hlynn mǽst wǽre he made a bull's image of brass in the way, in which the sound would be greatest, when the wretched men were put inside, Ors. 1, 12; S. 54, 25. V. with indef. adj. or adv.:--Ac elcra, elles hú sed secus, i. aliter, An. Ox. 3202. Þú hit ná hú elles begitan ne miht, Bt. 32, 1; F. 114, 8. VI. in phrases:--Gelíc ðám scipe ðe ðá ýða drífað út on sǽ swá hú swá se wind blǽwð, Hen. 46, 21. Begite hé, swá hú swá hé mæge, septies cxx manna, Ll., Th. ii. 286, 25. v. hú-meta. hu-,hu