Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hund-teóntig
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hund-teóntig
- Add; [The word as substantive may be treated as singular, or as plural, v. Lev. 26, 8. Cf. the singular construction with much larger numbers in Bl. H. 79, 25, and Past. 409, 9 : the plural in Ll. Lbmn. 415, 21.] I. used as substantive. (1) governing a genitive, (a) alone :-- Hundteóntig ǽla, Ll. Th. i. 146, 20. Ealles þæs folces wæs . . . þrittigum sýþum hundteóntig þúsenda, Bl. H. 79, 25. Fíf eówer filiað hira hundteóntig, and hundteóntig eówer fleóð hira týn þúsendu, Lev. 26, 8. Mid hund-teóntegum scill. gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 70, 21. Hundteóntig scill. geselle hé, 72, 14. Hí genáman þæs folces. . . hundteóntig þúsenda . . . and ehtatýne sýþum hundteóntig þúsenda hí tósendon, Bl. H. 79, 20-23. Gif hæbbe hwá hundteóntig scípa, Mt. R. 18, 12. Hunteántig punda libras centum, Jn. L. R. 19, 39. Hunteántig síða monigfald centuplum, Lk. L. 8, 8. (b) in combination (by addition) with lesser numbers :-- þá beóð on lenge hundteóntiges fðtmǽla and fiftiges lange, Nar. 36, 12. Mid .L. scill. and hundteóntegum gebéte hé, Ll. Th. i. 70, 19. Wintra hé hæfde twá and hundteóntig, Gen. 1227: 1131. Hundteóntig daga on án and hundeahtatig daga, Hml. A. 92, II. þurh ðá hunteóntig and feówer and feówertig þúsenda þrowera, Ll. Lbmn. 415, 21. (c) with a number as multiplier :-- Wintra hæfde twá hundteóntig geteled ríme and fífe eác (cf. Thare leofode twá hund geára and fíf geár, Gen. ii. 32), Gen. 1741. (2) without a genitive. Cf. hundred; II. 2 a :-- Mid hundteóntigum ic hit him forgylde, Wlfst. 258, 18. Sume saldun wæstem, sume hundteóntig (centesimum), sume sextig Mt. R. 13, 8 : (centum), 23. III. as adjective, (1) alone :--Hundteántih ombras centum cados, Lk. L. 16, 6. (2) with other numerals :-- Nán mon elles singan ne mæg búton ðæt hundteóntig and feówertig and feówer þúsendo, Past. 409, 9. þurh heondteóntig and feówer and feówertig þúsendu martira, Ll. Lbmn. 414, 26. III a. as ordinal :-- In psalme hunteánteige nióða in psalmo cetitesimo nono, Lk. p. 10, 11. IV. construction uncertain :-- ꝥ nett full mið miclum fiscum hunteántig (hund-, R. ) and fíftig ðriim l ðreó, Jn. L. 21, II. v. hund, hundred. hund-teontig