Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hwelp
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- m. A WHELP, a young dog, the young of other animals; catulus :-- Hund canis, hwylp catulus, Wrt. Voc. 78, 53. Hwelp catulus [leonis], Ps. Th. 16, 11. Ða hwelpas etaþ of ðám crumum ðe of hyra hláforda beódum feallaþ catelli edunt de micis quæ cadunt de mensa dominorum suorum, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 27: Mk. Skt. 7, 28. [Laym. whelp: Orm. (leness) whellp: A. R. hweolp: Prompt. Parv. whelp, lytyl hownde catellus, catulus: O. Sax. hwelp: Icel. hvelpr: Dan. hvalp: O. H. Ger. hwelf the young of animals (lion, tiger, ape).] DER. león-, wæl-hwelp. hwelp