
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hwīt

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


n. I. whiteness :-- Hwīt āsolad nitor squalescit, Angl. i. 285, § 2 : ii. 374, 3. II. something white, the white of an egg. Cf. hwīt; I. ¶ :-- Mid ǣges þȳ hwīte. Lch. ii. 82, 9. Dō ǣges hwīt tō, 342, 18. Nim ǣgra hwīt, iii. 134, 10. III. certain kinds of food, cheese, eggs, butter, fish, allowed at times when flesh was forbidden :-- Fæste ǣlce dæge on his lengtene tō nōnes and forgang hwīt (abstine te ab albo), Ll. Th. ii. 132, 5. Fæst ǣlc dæge tō nōnes and tō ānes mētes būton sunnandæg, and forgā hwīt, Wlfst. 289, 25. Cf. Ðā dē on þās hālgan tīde magon cȳse and ǣgra and fisc forgān, swīþe heálic fæsten ꝥ bid, Ll. Th. ii. 438, II. Gif hit festendæg sié selle mon uuēge cǣsa and fisces and butran and ægera dæt mon begeotan mæge, C. D. i. 293, 10.

Mots connexes: searu-hwīt. hwit
