Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - hyhtan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- hyhtan
- p. te To hope, trust, look forward to with hope or joy, rejoice :-- Ic under fiðrum hihte sub pennis ejus sperabis, Ps. Th. 90, 4. Ic ðé hihte tó sperantem in te, 85, 2. Hihte ic tó ðínra handa hálgum dǽdum in operibus manuum tuarum exultabo, 91, 3. Heorte mín and flǽsc hyhtaþ georne on ðone lifgendan Drihten cor meum et caro mea exultaverunt in Dominum vivum, 83, 2. Hé hyhte tó mé in me speravit, 91, 14. Ðám [ðe] longe his hyhtan hidercyme to those who had long hoped for his advent, Exon. 10 a; Th. 9, 29; Cri. 142. Sione bearn symble hihtan filii Sion exultant, Ps. Th. 149, 2. Se þeóda láreów lǽrde ða rícan ðæt hí heora hiht ne besetton on ðám swicelum welum, ac hihton on God ðæra góda syllend the teacher of the gentiles taught the rich that they should not set their hope on deceitful riches, but should hope in God, the giver of good things, Homl. Th. ii. 328, 1. Wé cunnon hyhtan ðæt wé heofones leóht ágan móton we can hope that we may possess the light of heaven, Fragm. Kmbl. 84; Leás. 44. Ic ellen wylle habban and hlyhhan and mé hyhtan tó I will have courage, and laugh and look forward with hope, Exon. 119 a; Th. 456, 22; Hy. 4, 70: 12 b; Th. 21, 26; Cri. 340. Gód ys on Dryhten tó hyhtanne bonum est confidere in Domino, Ps. Th. 117, 9. [O. and N. hihte.]