
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lactuna

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. This word seems to retain its Latin form in the nominative, but otherwise conforms to English usage, and is generally treated as a weak noun. The form lactucas, however, occurs in the Leechdoms, which, though it looks like a strong plural masc., seems to be singular :-- Lactuca hátte seó wyrt ðe hí etan sceoldon mid ðám þeorfum hláfum heó is biter on þigene lettuce was the name of the herb that they were to eat with the unleavened loaves; it is bitter in the eating, Homl. Th. ii. 278, 26. Nim lactucan ánc hand fulle take a hand full of lettuce, Lchdm. iii. 114, 13. Eton þeorfe hláfas mid ðære lactucan ðe on felda wixþ edent azymos panes cum lactucis agrestibus, Ex. 12, 8. Etan þeorfe hláfas mid feldlícere lactucan, Homl. Th. ii. 264, 3. Lácnian innan mid lactucan to cure by the internal application of lettuce, L. M. 2, 37; Lchdm. ii. 244, 16. Mid feldlícum lactucum, Homl. Th. ii. 278, 19. Him is tó sellanne lactucas lettuce is to be given him, L. M. 2, 33; Lchdm. ii. 212, 7. Him is nyt ðæt hé hláf þicge and lactucas ðæt is leahtric it is beneficial for him to eat bread, and lactucas, that is, lettuce, 16; Lchdm. ii. 194, 6. [O. H. Ger. ladducha, latoch, lattouch lactuca, Grff. ii. 202.] lactuna