Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - land-folc
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- land-folc
- n. The people of a land or country :-- Hwæðer ðæt landfolc sí tó gefeohte stranglíc oððe untrumlíc populum, utrum fortis sit an infirmus, Num. 13, 20. Ðet landfolc hardlíce wiðstód the people resisted stoutly, Chr. 1046; Erl. 171, 4: 1070; Erl. 207, 22. On sumere tíde com micel hungor on ðam lande and gehwǽr ðæt landfolc micclum geangsumode at one time a great famine came on the land and very much afflicted the people everywhere, Homl. Th. ii. 170, 32: 164, 19. land-folc