
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lǽdan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to cause to move (líþan) with oneself, (1) to bring or take a person to a place or person, (a) with the person's consent :-- Ezechias lǽdde ðá ællðeódgan ǽrenddracan on his máðmhús, Past. 39, 3. Orfeus lǽdde his wíf mid him oþ þe hé eóm on ꝥ gemǽreleóhtes and þeóstro; þá eóde ꝥ wíf æfter him, Bt. 35, 6 ; F. 170, 12. Gif heó léng libbe þonne sé þe hié út lǽdde, Ll. Th. i. 66, 18. Lǽd under earce bord eaforan þíne, Gen. 1332. Se sióca áh þearfe ꝥ hine mon lǽde tó þám lǽce, Bt. 38, 7; F. 210, 1. Þá men þe hié úp mid him lǽden, Ll. Th. i. 82, 11. Gif hý man út of lande lǽdan wille on óðres þegnes land, 256, 1 : Gen. 1774. Hát síðian Agar and Ismael lǽdan mid hié, 2785. (b) of enforced movement :-- Héton hiene Rómáne gebindan and gebringean beforan fæstennes geate. Þá náwþer ne hine þá hám lǽdan ne dorston þe hiene þider lǽddon, ne his þá onfón þe hiene mon tó brohte, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 218, 34: Chr. 796; P. 56, 9: Gen. 2016. Lǽddon þá leóde láðne gewinnan tó carcerne, An. 1251. Lǽde hine tó Róme, Ll. Th. i. 264, 8. Hét hé niman þone eorl and tó Bæbbaburh lǽdan, Chr. 1095; P. 231, 27. In þone láðan lég lǽdan, Gú. 567. On gemót lǽded, Cri. 795: Ph. 491. ¶ figurative :-- Óðer willa feohtende wið ðǽm willan his módes hine gehæftne lǽdde on synne gewunan, Past. 423, 19. (b α) to bring or take (to the place of) an action, lead to execution, bring to justice, &c. :-- Ꝥ hine man tó rihte lǽde, Ll. Th. i. 396, 15. Gif hé hine forstalede, ꝥ hine man lǽdde tó þǽre torfunge, 234, 8. (2) to take, carry, convey. (a) the object material :-- Ne lǽt hé his nánwuht of þýs middanearde mid him máre þonne hé bróhte hider, Bt. 26, 3 ; F. 94, 15. Þone gewundedan ðe mon lǽdde helfcuicne tó ðǽm giesðhúse, Past. 125, 8. Hé hét smiðian of smǽtum golde áne lytle róde, ðá hé lǽdde on his swýðran, Hml. Th. ii. 304, 16. Æþelhelm lǽdde Wesseaxna ælmessan tó Rome, Chr. 887 ; P. 80, 30. Rómáne gesomnodon al þá goldhord þe on Bretene wǽron . . . and sume mid him on Gallia lǽddon, 418; P. 10, 20: Past. 333, 19. Hý lǽddun hyne of lyfte tó earde, Gú. 398. Hwæþer gé eówer hundas and eówer net út on sǽ lǽdon ðonne gé huntian willaþ?, Bt. 32, 3; F. 118, 14. Tíd is ꝥ þú fére and þá æ-acute;rendu lǽde, Gú. 1271. Ne miht ðú náht lǽdan of þysum lífe mid þé, Hml. S. 9, 47. Héton þá lǽdan ofer landsceare, teón torngeníðlan, An. 1231. Wæs líc lǽded tó moldgrafe, Jul. 689. ¶ láde lǽdan, III. (b) the object non-material :-- Se þeóden bebeád þrýðweorc . . . Godes ǽrendu lǽdan tó Channanéum, An. 778. Frið lǽdan, 174. (3) to bring evidence, a case, an action, &c. , into court :-- Þá læ-acute;dde ic Aðulfes cinges yrfegewrit on úre gemót æt Langandene, Cht. Th. 486, 13. Sceal ic his word and his weorc in gewitnesse Dryhtne lǽdan, Gú. 693. Godwine hæfð gelǽd fulle láde æt ðan unrihtwífe ðe Leófgár hyne tihte, and ꝥ wæs lǽd æt Licitfelda, Cht. Th. 373, 34. (4) to produce, bring forth :-- Wæstme lǽdað (-eð, MS.) cederbeámas, Ps. Th. 103, 16. Cynna gehwylc cucra wuhta þára þe lyft and flód lǽdað and fédað, Gen. 1298. Lǽde seó eorðe forð cuce nítenu and creópende cinn and deór, Gen. 1, 24. (4 a) to be productive of :-- Wudu mót him weaxan, tánum lǽdan (cf. týdran), Hy. 4, 105. II. to accompany and show the way to, conduct, convoy, guide (lit. or fig.) :-- Þú lǽtst mé hider and ðider on swá þicne wudu, Bt. 35, 5 ; F. 164, 13. ' Ic ondrǽde ꝥ ic ðé lǽde hidres þidres of þínum wege. ' . . . ' Ic beó swíþe fægn gif ðú mé lǽdest þider ic þé bidde, 40, 5 ; F. 240, 21-25. Hí lǽdað mid wynnum æðelne tó earde, Ph. 345. God self hine lǽdde ðurh ðæt wésten, Past. 304, 7. Him urnon ealle hellwaran ongeán, and lǽddon hine tó hiora cyninge, Bt. 35, 6; F. 168, 29. Gif hwelc forworht monn cymð, and bitt úrne hwelcne ðæt wé hine lǽden tó sumum rícum menn, Past. 63, 2. Ꝥ ǽlc man hæbbe þá men gearowe on his lande þe lǽden þá men þe heora ágen sécan willen, Ll. Th. i. 162, 24. Nú þú móst féran . . . ic þec lǽdan sceal, Cri. 1672. Lǽdan weorode láreów tó lides stefnan, An. 1708. Ðá ðe óðerra monna sáula underfooð tó lǽdanne, Past. 77, 4. III. of a commander, to march at the head of :-- Mægenwísa is trum, sé þás fare lǽdeð, Exod. 554. Fyrd wæs gefýsed, fram sé þe lǽdde, 54. Mægen lǽdan, El. 241. Godcunde láreówas sceolan ús lǽdan forð æt þám dóme . . . Gesǽlig bið se hyrde þe þá heorde intó Godes ríce mót lǽdan, Ll. Th. i. 424, 8-11. Se cyng betǽhte þá fyrde tó lǽdene Ealfríce, Chr. 992 ; P. 127, 11. IV. to guide by holding :-- Blind gif blindne lǽdeþ, Mt. R. 15, 14. Óþerne ealdne man lǽdden feówer áwyrgde englas mid mycelre réðnesse, and hine besencton on þá fýrenan eá, Bl. H. 43, 28. Hí genámon þone b., leáddon hine tó heora hústinga, and hine þǽr oftor-fodon, Chr. 1012 ; P. 142, 21. ¶ wíf lǽdan to marry, Lch. iii. 190, 7 : 212, 8. V. to guide with reference to action or opinion, to lead to a conclusion, induce to do :-- Óðer gást lǽdeð hine and lǽceð, oð þæt his eáge bið æfþancum ful, Sal. 496. Tó hwon lǽddest þú hider þeosne? why did you cause this man to come hither? Bl. H. 85, 25. Hé lǽdde hié mid. UNCERTAIN ligenum and mid listum speón, Gen. 588. ' Ðǽr ðú ongeáte hwidre ic þé nú teohhie tó lǽdenne.' . . . ' Hwider wilt þú mé lǽdan?' ' Tó þǽm sóþum gesǽlþum ic tiohhie ꝥ ic þé lǽde, ' Bt. 22, 2 ; F. 78, 1-7. Hé teohchode hine tó lǽdanne on lífes weg, Past. 305, 5. VI. of a road, to serve as a passage to :-- Weg þe lǽdeþ (lǽdas, L.) tó forwyrde . . . se weg þe lǽdeþ (lǽdes, L.) tó lífe, Mt. R. 7, 13-14. Gán on ðone weg þe ús létt tó heofonan ríce, Chr. 1086; P. 221, 25. VII. the object inanimate, to guide, give direction to something flexible :-- Sé þe foran lǽdeð brídels on blancan, El. 1184. VII a. to trace a line, boundary, track, &c. :-- Gif ðá landgemǽre ealswá wǽron swá man heó on fruman lǽdde, C. D. iv. 234, 34 : 235, 4. Þá þe lífes weg lǽdan cunnon, Wlfst. 75, 2. Gif mon secge ꝥ man ꝥ trod áwóh drífe, þonne mót sé þe ꝥ yrfe áh trod oð tó stæðe lǽdan, Ll. Th. i. 352, 11. VIII. to guide a ship, steer :-- Gé þe þus brontne UNCERTAIN ceól ofer lagustrǽte lǽdan cwómon, B. 239. IX. to deal with, treat :-- Ic naman Drihtnes herige, and hine mid lofsange lǽde swylce laudabo nomen Dei mei cum cantico, et magnificabo eum in laude, Ps. Th. 68, 31. X. to engage or take part in, perform :-- Þá wurðiað þín weorc wordum and dǽdum . . . and Críst heriað and him lof lǽdað, Hy. 7, 25. Hé wæs eft swá ǽr lof lǽdende, An. 1479. XI. to pass, go through life :-- Líf lǽdan on gefeán, Bt. 12; F. 36, 24. Ancorlíf, munuclíf lǽdan, Bd. 4, 27; Sch. 511, 2: 3, 27; Sch. 316, 4 (see all three in Dict.). XII. intrans. to take a certain direction :-- Hé ána is ealra beáma on eorðwege úp lǽdendra beorhtast geblówen, Ph. 178. v. be-, mis-, ofer-, ymb-lǽdan; under-lǽded. lædan

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