
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - leáp

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. I. a basket, a basket containing a certain amount, [two-thirds of a bushel? 'Lepe quod est tertia pars duorum bussellorum;' in Sussex, time of Ed. I.] a weel for catching fish :-- Leáp corbis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 23, 6: calatus, 127, 73. Leóht leáp imbilium, Wrt. Voc. 287, 27: ii. 46, 40. Leáp vel wilige cophinus, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 32; Wrt. Voc. 55. 37. Leáp vel bogenet nassa, 84; Som. 73, 90; Wrt. Voc. 48, 28. Sǽdere gebyreþ ðæt hé hæbbe ǽlces sǽdcynnes ǽnne leáp fulne, L. R. S. 11; Th. 1. 438, 9. Leápas corbes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 52. Ðá bær man up of ðan ðe hí lǽfdon twelf leápas fulle, Wulfst. 293, 32. II. trunk [of the body], Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 8; Jud. 111. [The word is to be found among English dialects, see the note in Prompt. Par'Leap a large deep basket; a chaff basket, B. 2. Leap or lib half a bushel [in Sussex], B. 16, 18. Lep a large wicker basket, Gloss. of old farming words, vi. Leap a wicker basket for catching eels, Lincoln. Icel. laupr a basket of lattice work.] v. sǽd-leáp. leap

Mots connexes: p. 296; also the following reference in E.. D. S. Publications
