
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lecgan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. legde, lægde, léde To cause to lie. I. to lay, place, put, lay [a dead body in the grave.] :-- Syððan hé ðanne grundweall legþ postea quam posuerit fundamentum, Lk. Skt. 14, 29. Ða ungeþyldegan ne mágon áberan nánwuht ðæs láðes ðe him mon on legþ impatientes ab aliis illata non tolerant, Past. 40, 4; Swt. 293, 17. Wá ðǽm ðe willaþ under ǽlcne elnbogan lecggean pyle ... Se legeþ pyle under ǽlces monnes elnbogan seðe ... væ his qui consuunt pulvillos sub omni cubito manus .. . Pulvillos sub omni cubito manus ponere, est ... 19, 1; Swt. 143, 14. Cwén mec hwílum hond on legeþ, Exon. 127 a; Th. 489, 8; Rä. 78, 4. Ða land ðe hig ðiderin lecgeaþ beón ða ðám gebróðran ðe ðǽr binnan beóþ tó fódnoþe and tó scrúde let the lands, that they assign thereto, be for the feeding and clothing of the brethren there, Chart. Th. 370, 25. Sege mé hwar ðú hine lédest diciio mihi ubi posuisti eum, Jn. Skt. 20, 15. Se cyng lægde hí wið Eádward kyng hire hláforde the king laid [buried] her by King Edward her lord, Chr. 1075; Erl. 214, 12. Léde him ætforan posuit coram eis, Gen. 18, 8. Hé nam stánas and léde under his heáfod, 28, 11. Hine betellan æt ǽlc ðæra þinga ðe him man on léde to clear himself from every thing that was laid to his charge, Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 12. Abraham legde hleór on eorþan, Cd. 107; Th. 140, 32; Gen. 2336. Se mec wrǽde on æt frumsceafte legde who at the beginning binding laid on me, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 22; Rä. 4, 14. Wé on bearm lægdon we put them into our laps, Salm. Kmbl. 864; Sal. 431. Gé on his wergengan wíte legdon ye imposed pain upon his pilgrim, 43 a; Th. 144, 29; Gú. 685. Ðæt folc geald heom swá mycel swá hí heom on legden the people paid as much as they imposed, Chr, 1052; Erl.183, 15. Hig lægdon ǽrende on hine tó ðam cynge they commissioned him to the king, 1064; Erl. 194, 24. Ðá lægdon hí fýr on they set fire to it, 1083; Erl. 209, 1. Lege hit hér beforan ðínum freóndum pone hic coram fratribus tuis, Gen. 31, 37. Lecgaþ ðǽrtóeácan add thereto, Wulfst. 274, 7. Sleá mon hine and on fúl lecge let him be slain and buried in unconsecrated ground, L. Eth. i. 4; Th. 284, 2: vi. 21; Th. i. 320, 6: L. C. S. 33; Th. i. 396, 17. Hwá wolde gelýfan ðæt Sarra sceolde lecgan cild tó hyre breóste tó gesoce quis crederet, quod Sara lactaret filium, Gen. 21, 7. Josue hét lecgan him on uppan ormǽte weorcstánas præcepit, ut ponerent super os ejus saxa ingentia, Jos. 10, 27. Lecgan ðone mæst to lower the mast, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 250, 15. Ægru lecgan to lay eggs, Lchdm. iii. 204, 30. Lástas lecgan to go, journey, Cd. 109; Th. 145, 3; Gen. 2400: 118; Th. 153. 9; Gen. 2536: Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 14; Seef. 57. II. to cause to lie [dead. to slay :-- Hine lecge for þeóf seðe him tó cume let him that comes at him slay him for a thief, L. Ath. i. 2; Th. i. 200, 10. Gif hine hwá lecge, L. Eth. iv. 4; Th. i. 222, 9. Se ðe mid þeófe stande and mid feohte, lecge hine man mid ðam þeófe. v. 1, 3; Th. i. 228, 23. Ðæt hine man lecgan ne móste, Th. i. 230, 6. [Goth. lagjan: O. Sax. leggian: O. Frs. leia: Icel. leggja: O. H. Ger. legjan: Ger. legen.] DER. a-, be-, ge-, of-, tó-, under-, wið-lecgan. lecgan

Mots connexes: licgan],
