
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - leóht

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

bright. Dele last passage but two, and add: I. bright, shining, luminous :-- Wolcen léht (líht, R. , beorht, W. S.) nubes lucida, Mt. L. 17, 5. Lyftwundor leóht (the pillar of fire), Exod. 90. Se leóhta beám leódum byrhteð, Cri. 1090. Ic him þá máðmas geald æt gúðe leóhtan sweorde, B. 2492. Mid þá leóhtan gedryht with the band in shining robes, El. 737. Dryhtnes onsién sunnan leóhtre, Cri. 1652. Sceán leóht inn. . . þá wæs hit swá leng swá leóhtre, Vis. Lfc. 54. I a. figurative. (1) illustrious, splendid :-- On his dagum sceolde weorþan geboren sé sé þe leóhtra and scínendra (clarior) þonne sió sunne þá wǽre, Ors. 5, 14; S. 248, 11. (2) giving mental illumination :-- Swá dóð nú þá þeóstro þínre gedréfednesse wiðstand in mínum leóhtum lárum, Bt. 6; F. 14, 31. II. of a place, time of day, &c. , having a considerable amount of light :-- Eálá dæg leóhta, Sat. 166. In þám leóhtan hám, Gú. 806. Sió sunne bringþ leóhte dagas, Bt. 21; F. 74, 24. II a. fig. (1) in respect to the mind :-- Crisantus leornode mid leohtum andgite and mid gleáwun móde grammatican cræft, Hml. S. 35, 13. (2) in respect to spiritual purity :-- Gif égo þín bið bilwit all líchoma ðín léht ( lucidum) bið, Lk. L. , R. 11, 34. Hé onféng leóhtne geleáfan, El. 491. (3) cheerful, untroubled :-- Beó leófwende, leóht on gehygdum, Fä. 92. III. of appearance, fair :-- Wáláwá ! ꝥis sárlic ꝥ swá fæger feorh and swá leóhtes andwlitan men (cf. swá fægeres híwes menn, Hml. Th. ii. 120, 26) sceolan ágan þýstra ealdor heu, pro dolor ! quod tam lucidi uultus Homines tenebrarum auctor possidel, Bd. 2, 1; Sch. 110, 5. -leoht,leoht