Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - leornung
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- leornung
- f. Learning, study, meditation, reading :-- Lár oððe leornung teaching or learning, L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 20: Past. pref; Swt. 3, 10. Micel is tó secganne langsum leornung ðæt hé in lífe ádreág much is it to tell, lengthy the reading, what he in life underwent, Andr. Kmbl. 2962; An, 1484. Geleoso ðære godcundan leornunge studia divinæ lectionis, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 29. On smeáwunge and on leornunge háligra gewrita ... ðonne hí on heora leornunge wǽron and heora béc rǽddon and beeodan meditationi scripturarum ... cum illi intus lectioni vacabant, 4, 3; S. 567, 29-34. On leornunge úra stafa nostrarum lectione litterarum, 5, 14; S. 635, 8. On leornunge in discendo, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 18. Gáþ út tó claustre oððe tó leorninge egredimini in claustrum vel in gymnasium, 36, 9. Hí hiene niéddon tó leornunga, ðéh hé gewintred wǽre they compelled him to go to school, though he was an old man, Ors. 6, 31; Swt. 284, 21. Tó liornunga óðfæste, Past. pref; Swt. 7, 12. Ðú hatodest leornunga to odisti disciplinam, Ps. Th. 49, 18. Mid ða leornunga ðissa bóca hujus [libri] lectione, Bd. 5, 18; S. 636, 4. Tó begangenne his leornunge lectioni operam dare, 5, 2; S. 614, 35. Hé micle gýminge hæfde háligra leorninga curam non modicam lectionibus sacris exhibebat, 3, 19; S. 547, 27. On hálgum leornungum, 4, 2; S. 565, 33. [O. H. Ger. lirnunga, lernunga disciplina, industria, doctrina, lectio.] leornung