
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - líc

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. the living body of a man or animal :-- Hí wǽron mid olfendes hǽrum tó líce gescrýdde, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 23: Hml. S. 31, 333. Hí mid hǽran hí gescryddon tó líce, 12, 36. Ðý læs hié mid ðý tóle ðæt hále líc gewierden, Past. 365, 11. Hine lyst bet þaccian and cyssan ðone óðerne on bær líc, Solil. H. 42, 4. Þa men forbrédan and weorpan hi an wildedeora lie, Bt. 38, I ; F. 194, 31. I a. the body in contrast with the soul or vital principle of which it is the seat :-- Sáwel mid líce, Ph. 525. Seó eádge sáwl hió wið þám líce gedǽleð, Cri. 1668. Gedǽlan líf wið líce, B. 2423 : Ap. 83. Of líce aldor onsendan, Gen. 2789. Ánra gehwylc hafað ætgædre bú líc and sáwle, Cri. 1037. I b. the corporeal or material nature or state of man, the material body and its properties, tie flesh. (l) of kinship :-- Þú sægdest bast Sarra þín sweostor wǽre, líces mǽge (kinswoman according to the flesh). (2) of sins of the sense :-- Fyrene gestǽlan, líces leahtor, Gú. 1045. II. a dead body: -- Gewát seó sáwul of ðám líchamon tó Gode . . . His líc wearð gesewen sóna on wuldre, beorhtre ðonne glæs, Hml. Th. ii. 518, 10. Open wæs þæt eorðærn, æðelinges líc onféng feóres gǽst, Hö. 19. Mín líc scyle on moldærn molsnad weorðan, Ph. 563. Wacodon menn swá swá hit gewunelíc is ofer án dead líc, Hml. S. 21, 290. Gif man ǽnig líc of rihtscryftscíre elles hwǽr lecge, Ll. Th. i. 368, 7. III. the trunk in contrast with the limbs :-- Siððan líc and leomu and þes lífes gǽst ásundrien somwist hyra þurh feorhgedál, Gú. 1149. Leomu líc somod and lífes gǽst, Ph. 513. [N. E. D. lich.] lic,-lic