
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - limpan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. lamp, pl. lumpon To befall, happen, fall (to one's share), pertain, belong, affect, concern :-- Ða yfelan habbaþ gesǽlþa, and him gelimpþ (Cott. MS. limpþ) oft æfter heora ágnum willan, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 5. Ða unrihtwísan ne beóþ ná swylce ne him eác swá ne limpþ non sic impii, non sic, Ps. Th. 1, 5. Eádig biþ ðæt folc ðe him swá on foldan fægre limpeþ beatum populum, cui hæc sunt, 143, 19: Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 26; Seef. 13. Hwæt limpeþ ðæs tó ðé of hwylcum wyrtruman ic ácenned sí quid ad te pertinet qua sim stirpe genitus? Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 27, Sorgaþ ymb óðerra monna wísan ðe him náuht tó ne limpþ is busied about other men's affairs, that do not all concern it, Past. 53, 5; Swt. 415, 21. Ðis sind ða landgemǽra ðæs londes ðe lympþ tó Stúre these are the boundaries of the land that belongs to Stour, Cod. Dip. Kmbl, iii. 81, 34. Hú lomp eów on láde what hap was yours by the way? Beo. Th. 3978; B. 1987. Twegra sceopa ðǽrtó ðe limpende beóþ of two ships that are thereto pertaining, Chart. Th. 28, 26. [O. H. Ger. limphan, limfan convenire.] DER. á-, be-, ge-limpan. limpan