Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lǽnan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- lǽnan
- Add: I. to lend, grant temporary possession of a thing on the condition of the return of the same or its equivalent :-- Be ðám monnum ðe heora wǽpna tó monslyhte lǽnað. Gif hwá his wǽpnes óðrum onlǽne (lǽne, ), Ll. Th. i. 74, 1-3. I a. to lend for a consideration, lend (money) at interest :-- Gif bisceop . . . oððe hwylc Godes þeów lǽnð his feoh tó unrihtun gafole (pecuniam suam injusto foenore mutuam dederit), Ll. Th. ii. 198, 14. Be þám gehádodum mannum þe hyra feoh lǽnað tó hýre, 194, 31. Ys forboden ꝥ hé his feoh, ne his ǽhta (pecuniam suam vel possessiones) tó nánum unrihtum gafole ne lǽne; ꝥ is ꝥ hé hine máran ne bidde tó ágyfanne þonne hé him ǽr lǽnde; ac for lufe lǽne gehwá óðrum his feoh and his ǽhta, 194, 15-19. II. to grant :-- Se góda líchama þancode Gode ealre þǽre áre . . . þe hé him lǽnde, Wlfst. 237, 6. Wísdóm lǽnende l týðiende sapientiam praestans, Ps. L. 18, 8. lænan