Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lǽne
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- lǽne
- adj. Granted as a lǽn [q. granted for a time only, not permanent, transitory, temporary, frail [generally used as an epithet of things of this world when they are contrasted with those of the next] :-- Ac ic wolde witan hweðer ðé þuhte be ðam ðe ðú hæfst hweðer hyt wére ðe lǽne ðe ǽce but I would know whether you thought of what you have, that it was temporary or eternal, Shrn. 176, 29. Hér biþ feoh lǽne hér biþ freónd lǽne hér biþ mon lǽne in this world shall not wealth endure, or friend, or man, Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 32; Wand. 108 : Elen. Kmbl. 2539; El. 1272. Ðis lǽne líf ðe wé lifiaþ on this transitory life in which we live, Ps. Th. 62, 3. Ðis deáde líf, lǽne on londe, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 32; Seef. 66. Ðeós lǽne gesceaft [the world], 20 a; Th. 52, 34; Cri. 843. Ðis is lǽne dreám [the present life], Cd. 169; Th. 211, 25; Exod. 531. Lǽnes landes bryce fructus, Wrt. Voc, ii. 39, 31. Lǽnan lífes leahtras, Exon. 62 b; Th. 229, 16; Ph. 456 : Cd. 156; Th. 194, 29; Exod. 268. Ende him on becom ðisses lǽnan lífes there came upon him an end of this life which is but for a moment, Blickl. Homl. 113, 8. Ne biddan wé úrne Drihten ðyses lǽnan welan, ne ðyssa eorþlícra geofa ðe hrædlíce from monnum gewítaþ, 20, 11. Se dæg wæs fruma ðyses lǽnan leóhtes, and hé biþ fruma ðæs écan æfterfylgendan, 133, 10. Má dereþ monna gehwylcum módes unþeáw ðonne mettrymnes lǽnes líchoman, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 225; Met. 26, 119. Eádgár ðis wáce forlét líf ðis lǽne, Chr. 975; Erl. 124, 32. Suelce hé cwǽde ic eów onlǽne ðás gewítendan and ic eów geselle ða þurwuniendan. Gif ðonne ðæs monnes mód and his lufu biþ behleápen eallunga on ða lǽnan sibbe ðonne ne mæg hé nǽfre becuman tó ðære ðe him geseald is relinquo scilicet transitoriam, do mansuram. Si ergo in ea cor, quæ relicta est, figitur, nunquam ad illam quæ danda est, pervenitur, Past. 46, 5; Swt. 350, 12-16. Monnes lífdagas lǽne syndan, Ps. Th. 102, 24. Ǽghwilc þing ðe on ðís andweardan lífe lícaþ lǽnu sindon eorþlícu þing á fleóndu everything that pleases in this present life, transient are they, earthly things ever fleeting, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 58; Met. 21, 29. Sceoldon sécan dreám after deáþe, and ðás lǽnan gestreón, ídle ǽhtwelan forhogodon, Apstls. Kmbl. 166; Ap. 83. Gylt gefremmaþ þurh líchaman léne geþohtas, Ps. C. 50, 15; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 15. [O. E. Homl. ȝif we forleosað þas lenan worldþing, i. 105, 30 : O. Sax. léhni (fehu, werold).] DER. un-lǽne. læne-,læne