Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lor
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- lor
- n. (Loss, destruction :-- Ðæt tó lore weorþe án ðíne lioma ut pereat unum membrorum tuorum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 29: 9, 17: l0, 6. Ðæt nǽniges mannes feorh tó lore wearð for ðam ofslægenan cyninges bréðer ut nullius anima hominis pro interfecto reges fratre daretur, Bd. 4, 21; S. 590, 23. Ðás heán mihta hér on worulde áfeallaþ and tó lore wurþaþ these lofty powers here on earth decay and perish, Wulfst. 149, 4: 262, 17. Éðel ðe nǽfre tó lore ne weorþeþ nunquam amittenda hæreditas, Past. 36, 6; Swt. 255, 4. Ðonne hié him ǽr tíde tó tióþ ðæt hí ne mágon, ðonne is him tó ondrǽdenne ðæt him weorþe tó lore ðæt hié tó ryhtre tíde gefolgian meahton, ðæt is se wisdóm, ðe hié ǽr tíde wilniaþ and eówiaþ, ac hé him wyrþ ðonne swíðe ryhtlíce tó lore admonendi ne, cum arripiunt intempestive, quod non valent, perdant etiam quod implere quandoque tempestive potuissent: atque scientiam, quia incongrue conantur ostendere, juste ostendantur amisisse, 49, 3; Swt. 383, 25-28. Ðonne ðín líchoma beó tó lore gedón and ðín flǽsc gebrosnod quando consumseris carnes et corpus tuum, 36, 2; Swt. 249, 13. Tó hwon sceolde ðeós smyrenes ðus beón tó lore gedón why should this ointment be thus wasted? Blickl. Homl. 69, 7. DER. for-lor; and see los. lor