
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - lǽran

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. de To teach, instruct, educate, to give religious teaching, to preach, to teach a particular tenet or dogma, to enjoin a rule, to exhort, admonish, advise, persuade, suggest :-- Ic lǽre instruo, Ælfc. Gr. 29; Som. 32, 4: erudio, 30; Som. 34, 60. Ic tý oððe lǽre imbuo, 28, 3; Som. 32, 46. Ic eów lǽre Godes ege timorem Domini docebo vos, Ps. Th. 33, 11. Ánra manna gehwylcne ic myngie and lǽre ðæt ánra gehwylc hine sylfne ongyte I admonish and exhort every man to understand himself, Blickl. Homl. 107, 11. Ic lǽre persuadeo, Ælfc. Gl. 99; Som. 76, 107; Wrt. Voc. 54, 50. For ðon ic lǽre ðæt ðæt tempel wé on fýre forbærnon unde suggero ut templa igni contradamus, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 33. Ne mæg ic ðæt dón ðæt ðú mé lǽrest non hoc facere possum quod suggeris, 2, 12; S. 513, 24. Ðú lǽrst ús tu doces nos, Jn. Skt. 9, 34. Paulus ðæt ilce lǽreþ, Blickl. Homl. 175, 13. Lérþ erudit, Kent. Gl. 470. Wé lǽraþ ðæt ... we enjoin that, L. Edg. C; Th. ii. 244-258. Gyf se déma ðiss geáxaþ wé lǽraþ hyne and gedóþ eów sorhleáse si hoc auditum fuerit a præside, nos suadebimus ei et securos vos faciemus, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 14. Ic lǽrde sibbe ymb manige þeóda; ǽrest ic lǽrde ðæt men lufodan hié him betweónan ... Fæderas ic lǽrde ðæt hié heora bearnum ðone þeódscipe lǽrdon Drihtnes egsan, Blickl. Homl. 185, 10-20. Se Hálga Gást hié ǽghwylc gód lǽrde, 131, 30. Lǽrde Paulinus Godes word prædicabat Paulinus verbum, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 18. Ðæt Agustinus Brytta biscopas lǽrde and monade ut Augustinus Brittonum episcopos monuerit, 2, 2; S. 502, 2. Lǽrde hine and manede ammonens, 2, 12; S. 514, 37: Blickl. Homl. 19, 36: Chr. 1042; Erl. 169, 16. Ðá lǽrde se cásere hine ðæt hé forléte Cristes geleáfan the emperor advised him to leave the faith of Christ, Shrn. 83, 14. Ðá gewunode se cyning ðæt hé hine trymede and lǽrde solebat eum hortari, Bd. 3. 22; S. 552, 10. Hí lǽrde tó healdenne reogollíces lífes þeódscipe disciplinam vitæ regularis custodire docuit, S. 553, 10. Hé ful baldlíce beornas lǽrde full boldly he exhorted the warriors, Byrht. Th. 140, 61; By. 311. Se wiðerméda wordum lǽrde folc tó gefeohte, Andr. Kmbl. 2392; An. 1198. Leóde lǽrde on lífes weg he brought people by his teaching into the way of life, 339; An. 170. Hé lǽrde men geornlíce tó Godes geleáfan he urged men in his teaching to a belief in God, Shrn. 125, 8. Se bisceop hié lǽrede ðæt hié sendon tó ðæm pápan the bishop advised them to send to the pope, Blickl. Homl. 205, 18. Scottas lǽrdon geonge and ealde on reogollícne þeódscipe imbuebantur præceptoribus Scottis parvuli Anglorum, una cum majoribus, studiis et observatione disciplinæ regularis. Bd, 3, 3; S. 526, 9. Hí hí on metercræfte and oft tungolcræfte and on gramatisccræfte týdan and lǽrdon, 4, 2; S. 565, 26. Hí him lífes weg bodedon and lǽrdon verbum ei vitæ prædicarent, 1, 25; S. 487, 8. Ða ðe bododan and lǽrdon qui dogmatizabant, 5, 19; S. 639, 34. Hí hí trymedon and lǽrdon ðæt hí fæsten worhtan, 1, 12; S. 480, 31. Ðá cleopedon his þegnas him tó and hine bǽdon and geornlíce lǽrdon ðæt hé hine ofslóge cum eum viri sui ad feriendum Saul accenderent, Past. 28, 6; Swt. 197, 18. Mé bǽdon and lǽrdon Rómáne ðæt ic gewát heonon onweg, Blickl. Homl. 191, 13. Hine hys yldran tó woruldfolgaþe tyhton and lǽrdon, 211, 28. Sume lǽrdon ðæt hine mon onweg ácurfe quidam abscidendum esse dicebant, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 20. Lǽr ús doce nos, Lk. Skt. 11, 1: Ps. Th. 118, 12. Ðú ðé lǽr be ðon, Beo. Th. 3449; B. 1722. Lǽraþ ðæt hig healdon ealle ða þing ðe ic eów bebeád, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 20. Lǽre Pharao ut suggeras Pharaoni, Gen. 40, 14. Ða men ðe bearn habban lǽran hié ðám rihtne þeódscipe, Blickl. Homl. 109, 17. Heora scriftbéc tǽcan and lǽran, 43, 8. Se mæg hine sylfne be ðare bysene lǽran he may teach himself by this example, 101, 6. Hé ongan lǽran tó healdenne ða þing, Bd. 4, 5; S. 571, 41. Lange sceal leornian se ðe lǽran sceal long must he learn who is to teach, L. Ælfc. P. 46; Th. ii. 384, 15: L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 8. Mid bróðorlíce lufan hí manigean and lǽran eis fraterna admonitione suadere, Bd. 2; 2; S. 502, 8. Wæs ic seald tó fédanne and tó lǽranne datus sum educandus, Bd. 5, 24; S. 647, 22. Cyningas and ríce men sendon heora dóhtor ðider [France] tó lǽranne filias suas erudiendas mittebant; 3, 8; S. 531, 18. Ðæt willsume weorc ðám þeódum godspell tó lǽranne desideratum evangelizandi gentibus opus, 5, 11; S. 625, 33. Godcunde láre tó lǽranne on Angelþeóde, 2, 2; S. 502, 10. Tó lǽrenne, Blickl. Homl, 233, 17. Lǽrende and strangende hira heortan, 249, 17. Lǽrendum Athamnano instante Adamnano, Bd. 5, 15; S. 635, 10. Cneohtas and geonge men týdde and lǽrde wǽron pueri erudirentur, 3, 18; S. 546, 1: Elen. Kmbl. 345: El. 173. [Orm. Laym. læren: A. R. learen, leren: Gen. and Ex. leren to learn: R. Glouc. lere to learn: Piers P. lere: Chauc. lere to learn: Prompt. Parv. leryn or techyn another doceo; leryn or receyue lore of anothere addisco: Goth. laisjan to teach: O. Sax., O. L. Ger. lérian: O. Frs. léra: Icel. læra to teach; but in modern usage to learn: Dan. lære to teach, learn: O. H. Ger. léran docere, instruere, monere, redarguere: Ger. lehren.] DER. á-, for-, ge-lǽran. læran