Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - neáh
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- neáh
- adj. I. nigh, near :-- On ðam neáhgum mynstre [neáhnunnan-mynstre] de vicino virginum monasterio, Bd. 4, 1 ; S. 564, 4 note. Neágum proximis (cf. O. L. Ger. náan proximum), Germ. 399, 409. Seó ús neárre Ægyptus, Ors. 1, I ; Swt. 14, 3. Seó ús neárre Ispania, Swt. 22, 31 : 24, 9. Síe se láreów eallum monnum se niéhsta and eallum monnum elnþrowiende on hira gesuincum sit rector singulis compassione proximus, Past. 16; Swt. 97, 22. Seó mǽgþ is seó nýhste on súþhalfe Humbre streámes provincia (Lindissi) quae est prima ad meridianam Humbrae fluminis ripam, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 19. Níhsta proxima, Ps. Spl. 21, 10. Sió néste hond the nearest relative, Chart. Th. 481, 21. Gif hwylc man wífige on his néhstan mágan (proximam cognatam), L. Ecg. P. ii. 18; Th. ii. 188, 26. Hiera niéhstan friénd, Past. 49 ; Swt. 377, 1. Heora nýhstan mágas, L. Eth. ii. 6; Th. i. 286, 32. II. in cpve. later, latter; superl. last, latest. novissimus, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 21, 31. His ða nérran tíde wǽron wyrsan ðám ǽrran habuit posteriora pejora prioribus, Bd. 2, 15 ; S. 518, 31. Cedd and Adda and Bete and Dema, se nýhsta wæs Scyttysces cynnes, 3, 21 ; S. 551, 15. Ðis is Byrhtríces níhsta cwide (last will), Chart. Th. 500, 24. Óðer is se ǽresta apostol, óðer se néhsta, Blickl. Homl. 171, 9. On ðæm néhstan dæge on the last day, 21, 35. On ða néhstan tíd ðisse worlde, on dómes dæge, 123, 32. Óþ ða nýhstan orþuncge until his latest breath, L. Ælfc. E.; Th. ii. 392, 9. From Ninuse hiora ǽrestan cyninge óþ Sardanapolim heora níhstan, Ors. 6, 1 ; Swt. 252, 8. Be ðám neáhstan twám is æfter tó cweþanne de ultimis infra dicendum est, Bd. 4, 23 ; S. 594, 12. Monige beóþan ða ǽrestu nǽhstu and ða nǽhstu ǽrestu, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 19, 30. From ðǽm nǽhstum óþ ðe ǽrestum, 20, 8. Æt neáhstan postremo, Bd. 2, 6 ; S. 508, 19. Æt néhstan (Rush. níhsto) novissime, Mt. Kmbl. 25, 11: Blickl. Homl. 85, 1. Æt néxtan, Homl. Th. i. 66, 23. Æt niéhstan, Cd. Th. 84, 19 ; Gen. 1400. Æt níhstan, Ors. 4, 9 ; Swt. 192, 35. Æt nýhstan, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 4. Æt nýxtan, Chr. 994; Erl. 133, 20: 1010; Erl. 144, 9. v níhsta and next word. neah-,neah,-neah