Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - nídling
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- nídling
- m. I. one who serves of necessity, a slave, bondman :-- Gif ðú fioh tó borge selle ðínum geféran ðe mid ðé eardian wille, ne niéde ðú hine swá niédling (MS. H. nýdling), L. Alf. 35 ; Th. i. 52, 22. Hié on cnihtháde wǽron óðerra manna niédlingas in youth they had been the bondmen of others, Ors. 2, 2 ; Swt. 66, 17. Se æðeling bebeád ðæt hié ða consulas and witan him beforan drifen swá swá niédlingas, ðæt heora bismer ðý máre wǽre, 3, 8 ; Swt. 122, 7. Hý ealle tó nýdlingum him gedydon, 1, 5 ; Swt. 34. 34. Wæterberere oððe nédlungum lixarum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 52, 73. II. one who has to serve on board ship, a sailor :-- Nédling nauta; nédlingas nauticos, 60, 30, 29. Ðá ongunnon ða nýdlingas and ða scypmen ða ancras on ðone sǽ sendan woldon ðæt scyp mid gefæstnian tentabant navitae anchoris in mare missis navem retinere, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 40. nidling,nid-ling