
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - notu

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. I. use, profit, advantage :-- Nittung vel notu usus, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 39. Hæbbe se abbod á mid him gewrit ealra ðæra ǽhta ; ðonne seó notu (the use of tools, etc.) on gebróðra gewrixle biþ, sý ðæt gewis á mid ðam abbode, ðæt hé wite, hwæt betǽht sý and hwæt underfangen, R. Ben. 56, 8. Hí tó ðínre note gelǽnde wǽron, Bt. 14, 2 ; Fox. 44, 2. Ðæt se man tó note (to profit) wyrcean wille, Btwk. 222, 8. Hit læg wéste and gé his náne note ne hæfdon it lay waste and you got no good from it, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 48, 25. Gif Drihten tó lytele note and nytwyrðnesse on his heorde angyt, R. Ben. 11, 2. [Se ðe ðaren bróðren note gewanie, God gewani his dages hér on werlde, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iII. an office, employment :-- Ne nán gehádod man ne sceal him tó geteón ðæt hé Crist spelige ofer his hálgan híréd, búton him seó notu fram Godes láreówum betǽht sý, Homl. Th. ii. 592, 30. Hé geset ðé tó ðære ylcan note (to the office of butler), Gen. 40, 13. Ða hwíle ðe hié tó nánre óðerre note ne mǽgen while they are fit for no other employment, Past. pref. ; Swt. 7, 12. Ne rǽden gebróðru, ne ne singen be nánre endebyrdnesse, ac ða sýn gecorene tó ðære note, ðe hit dón cunnon, R. Ben. 63, 6 : 49, 18. Cristes gespelia hé is and his note and spelinge on mynstre healt, 10, 12. Ealne dæg hí fleardiaþ and nǽnige note dreógaþ they trifle all day, and exercise no useful employment, L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 25. On eallum betǽhtum notum, R. Ben. 29, 5. III. the discharge of an office, conduct of business :-- Gif hit beón mæg swylc notu þurh decanonas on mynstre sý gefadod ... ðæt ná nán ǽnlípig ne módige ðonne mynstres notu manegum biþ betǽht if possible, let such a conducting of its business by deans be arranged in the monastery, that no single person grow proud, when the conduct of business is committed to many, 125, 8-11. [O. E. Homl. note profit, use : O. and N. note office : Chauc. note business : Prompt. Parv. note opus, occupacio : O. Frs, note usus : cf. Icel. not ; pl. use, utility.] v. nytt. notu

Mots connexes: 215, 21.]
