Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - nú

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

I. add: (1) at the present time :-- Þú ána nú géna (gýta, ) eart bysceop geméted, Bd. 1. 27; Sch. 73, 3. (2) in the time immediately following on the present moment, immediately :-- Hát mé nú sillan þá hearpan, þonne wást þú nú ꝥ þú gít nást, Ap. Th. 16, 25. Nú ic sceall geendian earmlicum deáþe, Hml. S. 26, 249. (3) in the time directly preceding the present moment :-- Án wundor þæt ic ongæt nú for þrým nihtum (adhuc ante triduum), Gr. D. 234, 7 : 235, 19 : 232, 9. Ymbe ꝥ ilce þú gyddodest nú hwéne ǽr Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 12, 7. Þæt is gesewen þæt hé wæs gewiss his silfes forðfóre of þám þe wé nú secgon gehýrdon (ex his quae narrauimus), Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 492, 2: Ll. Th. ii. 348, 31. Ymbe þá þing þe wé nú handledon, Angl. viii. 304, 24: 298, 19. Hé wæs á mid Langbeardum oð nú .IV. geár (until four years from now), Gr. D. 234, 9. (4) with weakened temporal sense in sentences expressing a command or request :-- And nú, cyningas, ongeotað, Ps. Srt. 2, 10. Cleopian wé nú in eglum móde, Bl. H. 19, 2. Gehýran wé nú for hwon se blindo leóht onfeng, 11. (5) used to introduce an important point in an argument, or series of statements :-- Nú ús is gesǽd ꝥ . . . nú gif þú ǽnig þincg hæfst. . . , Hml. S. 26, 256-258. Nú cwæð se hálga Béda . . . ꝥ . . . , 272. (5 b) inserted parenthetically with similar force :-- Þeáh hé nú máran wilnige, hé ne mæg furðum ðæt forðbringan, Bt. 18, 3; F. 64, 23. Hwí nis nú anweald tó tellanne tó sumum ðára héhstena góda ? . . . Hwæþer ꝥ nú sié tó talianne wáclic . . . ?, Bt. 24, 4; F. 86, 14-16. (6) with preposition :-- Oð nú usque nunc, Ps. Srt. 70, 17. III. add :-- Nú, ic secge eów ecce prædixi vobis, Mt. 28, 7. nu

Mots connexes: l.
