
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - óga

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

I. add: fear of a person, fear felt by that person :-- Þá ásprang micel óga and gryre ofer ealle ðá ungeleáffullan, Hml. Th. i. 470, 8: 598, 28. II. fear of an object, fear caused by that object :-- Ꝥ ne feóndes níþfulles óga þá gedéfan árǽre ne hostis invidi pavor quietos suscitet, Hy. S. 3, 23. Gif ǽnig óga is tó ondrǽdenne, þonne is sé tó ondrǽdenne þe nǽnne ende næfð. Witodlíce mannes ege is smíce gelíc, Hml. Th. i. 592, 10. Hé gesette þá lǽssan beboda Iúdéisces þéode þe mid ógan ðágýt gebunden wæs, 548, 22. For ógan Iúdéisces folces, 324, 5. Ógan oferswíðdan worulde terrore victo saeculi, Hy. S. 130, 5. For hellewítes ógan, Lch. iii. 440, 33. III. add :-- Ꝥ se rénboga sý tó ógan mid þæs fýres híwe, ꝥ eall middaneard bið mid fýre forswǽled, Angl. vii. 38, 365. Hí gesáwon swá mænigfealde ógan on mistlicum wítum, Hml. S. 23, 61. oga