Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - óleccung
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
, e;
- óleccung
- f. I. soothing, caressing, gentleness of treatment :-- Ólæcung delinimentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 54, 69. Olaecunge blandimentorum, Hpt. Gl. 485, 48. Hú gesceádwís se reecere sceal bión on his þreaungaand on his óleccunga quae esse debet rectoris discretio correptionis et dissimulationis, Past. 21, tit. ; Swt. 151, 6. Ðá áhsode heó hine georne mid hire ólæcunge, on hwam his miht wǽre, Jud. 16, 6. Olæcunga blanditiae, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 17. II. flattery, fawning, adulation :-- Olæcung adulatio, Hpt. Gl. 527, 40. Wyrð ðæt mód besuicen mid ðæra ólicunga (óliccunga, Cott. MSS.) ðe him underþiédde beóþ, Past. 17, 3 ; Swt. 111, 7. Ne wilna nanes monnes ólæcunga, Pro(favor popularis), Bt. 24, 3 ; Fox 82, 23. III. of things, charm, allurement :-- Óliccung jocunda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127, 2. Ne. hine ne geloccige nán óliccung (ólicung, Cote. MSS. ) tó hiere willan non blanda usque ad voluptatem demulceant, Past. 14, 3 ; Swt. 83, 18. Forsió hé ǽlce ólicunge (óliccunge, Cott. MSS.) ðisses middangeardes blandimenta mundi despiciat, 14, 2 ; Swt. 83, 6. Hit gewarenaþ ǽgðer ge wið heora þreáunga ge wið ólecunga nec formidandasfortunae minas, nec exoptandas facit esse blanditias, Bt. 7, 2 ; Fox 18, 24. v. leás-ólecung, oleccung