Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ór
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ór
- I. beginning, origin :-- Ór l fruma initium, Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 8. Dæges ór onwóc geleáfan the day-spring of belief awoke, Apstls. Kmbl. 130; Ap. 65. Næs him fruma ǽfre ór geworden, Cd. Th. l, 11; Gen. 6. Ðǽr wæs yfles ór, Andr. Kmbl. 2763; An. 1384. On ðæm wæs ór writen fyrngewinnes, Beo. Th. 3381 ; B. 1688. Or and ende, Exon. Th. 492, 6; Rü. 81, 10. Cwealmes on óre at the beginning of the destruction, Cd. Th. 153, 32 ; Gen. 2547. Gif ðú his ne meaht ór áreccan if you cannot tell even the beginning of your dream, 224, 9 ; Dan. 133. Secgan ór and ende lo tell from first to last. Andr. Kmbl. 1297 ; An. 649. Ic ðé yfla gehwylces ór gecýðe óþ ende forþ, Exon. Th. 263, 21; Jul. 353. Sué hé wundra gihuaes ór ástelidæ (cf. ord onstealde, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 21) quomodo ille omnium miraculorum auctor exstitit, Txts. 149, 4. Orleges ór onstellan, Beo. Th. 4806; B. 2407: Exon. Th. 386, 10; Rü. 4, 59. Ne can ic Abeles ór ne fóre hleómǽges síð I know not Abel's life from its beginning or its later course, Cd. Th. 61, 33; Gen. 1006. II. front, van :-- Wæs on óre heard handplega, 198, 22; Exod. 326: Beo. Th. 2087; B. 1041. Heriges on óre, Andr. Kmbl. 2213 ; An. 1108. Cf. ord. or