
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - pyll

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

es ;

m. A pool, pill ('Pill, a small creek, Hereford. The channels through which the drainings of the marshes enter the river are termed pills,' Halliwell. Pill, a pool, a creek, E. D. S. Publ. Cornish Gloss. See also Seebohm's English Village Community, pp. 149-150) :-- Andlang dice west on pull; of pylle on ford ... eft on gerihte innan mycela pyll ; of mycela pylle on smala pyll ; andlang pylles . . . on ða díc innan holapyll; andlang holapylles, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 449, 11-22.

Mots connexes: pól, pull. pyll
