
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - restan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. te To rest. I. intrans. (a) of persons (1) to cease from toil, be at rest :-- Ic ðonne reste requiescam, Ps. Th. 54, 6. Eádige beóþ þearfena gástas, and hié restaþ on heofena ríce, Blickl. Homl. 159, 29. Hý bídinge móstun æfter tintergum tídum brúcan, restan ryneþrágum, Exon. Th. 115, 3; Gú. 184. Ða restendan pausantis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 21. Restendum fereatis, i. quietis, securis, 147, 59. (2) to rest on a couch, to sleep :-- Ðonne hié restaþ ðonne restaþ hié búton bedde and bolstre ac on wildeóra fellum heora bedding biþ homines accubantes et quiescentes sine ullis cervicalibus stratisque, tantum pellibus ferarum, Nar. 31, 10. On ðære tíde ðe óðre men slépon and reston caeteris quiescentibus et alto sopore pressis, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 37. On niht ǽr hé ræste, Blickl. Homl. 47, 18. Ǽnlýpige munecas geond ǽnlýpige bedrestan, R. Ben. 47, 3. Ðá bæd hé his þeng on ǽfenne ... ðæt hé him stówe gegearwode, ðæt hé restan mihte, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 31. Ðá hé gesette his leomu tó restenne cum ad quiescendum membra sua posuisset, 2, 6; S. 508, 11. Ðá wæs heo restende on sweostra slǽperne, 4, 23; S. 595. 39. (3) to rest in death, lie dead, lie in the grave :-- Augustinus on Brytene rest on Cantwarum, Menol. Fox 206; Men. 104. Gerusalem is gereht 'sibbe gesyhþ,' forðon ðe hálige sáula ðǽr restaþ, Blickl. Homl. 81, 2. Reste hé ðǽr Christ lay in the sepulchre, Rood Kmbl. 138; Kr. 69. Hæfdon éðelweardas ealdhettende swyrdum áswefede, hié on swaðe reston (of the Assyrians slain in battle), Judth. Thw. 26, 12; Jud. 322. (b) of things, to remain unmoved or undisturbed, be still :-- Flǽsc mín resteþ (requiescet) on hyhte, Ps. Spl. 15, 9. Reste ðár eówer sib, Lk. Skt. 10, 6. Ðám folcum sceal sacu restan, Beo. Th. 3719; B. 1857. Se æðeling hét streámfare stillan, stormas restan, Andr. Kmbl. 3151; An. 1578. Ðín ríce restende biþ óþ ðæt ðú eft cymst, Cd. Th. 252, 26; Dan. 584. II. trans. with reflex. acc. To rest one's self (1) of cessation from toil :-- Ðú rest ðé nú on eorþan, and ic mid sáre tó helle sceal beón lǽded, L. E. I. prm.; Th. ii. 398, 16. Ðǽr hí æðelingas inne restaþ, Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 22; Rún. 6. Reste ðæt folc hit sabbatizavit populus, Ex. 16, 30. On six dagon God geworhte heofon and eorþan and on ðam seofoþan hé hine reste (ab opere cessavit), 31, 17. Ic mé mæg restan on ðissum racentum, Cd. Th. 28, 11; Gen. 434. (2) of rest on a couch or in sleep :-- Ðá reste hine se bisceop ðágiet and mid wildeóra fellum wæs bewrigen . . . Ðá áwehte ic ðone bisceop, Nar. 31, 1. On ðæt hús ðe heó hié inne reste, Blickl. Homl. 147, 2. Ðonne hé reste hine, ðonne wæs his seó æþeleste ræst on nacodre eorþan, Cd. Th. 95, 25; Gen. 1584. [O. Sax. restian : O. Frs. resta : O. H. Ger. restan requiescere, dormire, cubare.]

Mots connexes: ge-restan. restan
