
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - rídan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

I. add: (1) where going on horseback is expressed or may be certainly inferred :-- Gif þegen þénode cynge and his rádstefne rád on his hírede, Ll. Th. i. 190, 20. Sé þe hors nabbe, wyrce þám hláforde þe him fore ríde oþþe gange, 232, 19, Georne is tó wyrnanne bearneácnum wífe ꝥ hió . . . on weg ne fére, ne on horse tó swíðe ríde, Lch. ii. 330, 9. Seldon hé (Aidan) wolde rídan ac síðode on his fótum (cf. non equorum dorso, sed pedum incessu uectus, Bd. 3, 5), Hml. S. 26, 80. Hé sceal rídan (equitare), Ll. Th. i. 432, 14. Hé héht his geneát rídan mid ceastersétna preóste, C. D. cum equestri (turma), An. Ox. 4748. (2) where the word is used as expressing the most usual method of locomotion, but does not exclude other forms :-- Sé þe æfter ǽnegum ceápe ríde, cýþe . . . ymbe hwæt hé ríde . . . búton hé hit ǽr cýdde þá hé út rád, Ll. Th. i. 274, 20-24. Ꝥ wé rídan tó mid þám geréfan, 236, 12. Rídan þá yldestan men ealle tó . . . Gif hwá nylle rídan, 208, 29-31. Ríde hé tó þám ealdormenn, and bidde hine fultumes, 90, 11: 13. (3) to ride in a carriage :-- Þonne sceoldon hiera senatus rídan on crætwǽnum, Ors. 2, 4; S. 70, 28. (4) of transport by land as opposed to that by water :-- Beón hí áwergode rówende and rídende, Ll. Lbmn. 438, 22. III. add :-- Þonne þæt scip ungetǽslícost on ancre rít, Solil. H. 30, 1. v. faroþ-rídende. ridan

Mots connexes: 140, 31. Mid rídendum
