Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - sǽ-beorh
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- sǽ-beorh
- a sea-hill, a hill or cliff against the sea :-- Ealle geríman stánas on eorþan, steorran on heofonum, sǽbeorga sand (MS. sund; but cf. Ic ðínne ofspring gemenigfylde swá swá steorran on heofenum and swá swá sandceosol on sǽ, Gen. 22, 17), Cd. Th. 205, 25; Exod. 441. Hú gewearð ðé ðæt ðú sǽbeorgas sécan woldes, merestreáma gemet, ofer cald cleofu ceóles neósan, Andr. Kmbl. 615; An. 308. sæ-beorh