
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - sceamu

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. I. the emotion caused by consciousness of unworthiness or of disgrace, in a good sense (modesty, bashfulness ; in a bad sense, shame, confusion:-- Sceamu pudor . . . reádnyss oððe sceamu rubor, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 21 ; Som. 10, 17-18. Scamu,scoma, scomo pudor, Txts. 84, 732. Scame pallor, Hpt. Gl. 474, 77. Scamu rubor, 475, 9. Se ðe nú ne mæg his gyltas for sceame ánum men geandettan, him sceal sceamian ðonne ætforan heofenwarum, and seó sceamu him biþ endeleás. Homl. Th. ii. 604, 3-6. Ðú mid sceame (sceoma, Lind.: scomo. Rush. ) nyme ðæt ýtemeste setl incipias cum rubore nouissimum locum tenere, Lk. Skt. 14, 9. Ðonne biþ hé self geládod wið hine selfne mid his ágenre scame and mid his geþylde, Past. 21, I; Swt. 151, 18. Ðonne árás hé for sceome he got up because he was ashamed of his inability to play the harp, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 7. II. what causes a feeling of shame, disgrace, shame:-- Scoma obprobrium, Rtl. 190, 29. Micel hýnþ and sceamu (verecundia) hyt ys men nelle wesan ðæt ðæt hé ys, and ðæt ðe hé wesan sceal, Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 3. -Ǽlce dæge byþ mín sceamu (verecundia) beforan mé Ps. Th. 43, 17. Byþ ðám scand and sceamu operiantur confusions et pudore, 70, 12. Hú mæg máre scamu mannum gelimpan, ðonne ús déþ gelóme? Wulfst. 162, 3. Sceome gihénedo confusione contempnata, Rtl. 27, 31. Sceame, Ps. Th. 88, 38. Ic his feóndas gegyrwe mid scame in ILLEGIBLE icos ejus induam confusione, 131, 19. Ðeós woruld scyldwyrcende in scome byrneþ, Exon. Th. 232, 6; Ph. 502. Ne scomu dóaþ neque calumniam faciatis, Lk. Skt. Rush. 3, 14: contumiliam, 11, 45. Sceame dreógán, habban, þrowian to be put to shame, be disgraced:-- Beóþ gescende and scame dreógaþ míne fýnd confundantur et revereantur inimici mei, Ps. Th. 69, 2. Habban sceame confundantur, 85, 16. Ne sceolon æt mé ǽnige habban sceame non erubescant in me, 68, 7. Sume mǽgon habban ælles woruld-welan genóg ac hí habbaþ ðeáh sceame ðæs welan gif hí ne beóþ swá æðele on gebyrdum swá hí woldon huic census exuberat, sed est pudori degener sanguis, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 30, 31. Ðæs ealdfeóndes scyldigra scolu scome þrowedon, Exon. Th. 114, 20; Gú. 175: 269, 5 ; Jul. 445: 369, 31; Seel. 49. Hí scoma mǽste dreógaþ, 78, 15 ; Cri. 1274. Mið scomum (sceofmum, Lind. ) miclum tó giworhtun contumeliis affecerunt, Mk. Skt. Rush. la, 4: Exon. Th. 153, 19; Gú. 828. III. the private part (v. sceam-lim):-- Him sí ábrogden swá of bréchrægle hiora sylfra sceamu, Ps. Th. 108, 28. Forhwon wríhst ðú sceome? Cd. Th. 54, 13; Gen. 876: 58, 7; Gen. 942: 95, 3; Gen. 1573. Scama, ða wǽpen-lícan limo preputia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 69, 16. Scamu, 68, 60. [O. Sax. skama shame, disgrace: O. L. Ger. scama confusio, reverentia: O. H. Ger. scama verecundia, reverentia, pudor, rubor, confusio, ignominia, turpitudo: Icel. skömm a shame, outrage. "] v. ár-, hleór-, woruld-sceamu. sceamu

Mots connexes: sceam-fæst, -full, -leás, -líc),
