
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - scip-hlæst

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. I. the body of (fighting) men on a ship:--Claudius se consul fór an Púnice and him Hannibal út on sǽ ongeán com and ealle ofslóg búton .xxx. sciphlæsta ða óþflugon tó Libeum ðæm íglande Claudius consul contra hostem profectus superatus est. Et ipse quidem cum triginta navibus Lilybaeum confugit, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 178, 32. Hér gefeaht Ecgbryht cyning wið .xxxII. a ship of burden, a transport:--Sciplæst oneraria, Wrt. Voc. i. 63, 71. Scyphlæst honeraria, ii. 43, 10 (cf. hlaestscip honeraria, 110, 46). scip-hlæst

Mots connexes: sciphlæsta, Chr. 833; Erl. 64, 19: 837; Erl. 66, 5: 840; Erl. 66, 19. Ælfréd cyning gefeaht wið .vii. sciphlæstas and hiera án geféng and ða óðru gefliémde, 875; Erl. 78, 6. Ælfréd cyning gefeaht wið feówer sciphlæstas Deniscra monna, and ðara scipa tú genam, 882; Erl. 82, 10.
