
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - scip-mann

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. A mariner, sailor; nauta, navarchus:--Scypman nauta, Hymn. Surt. 6, 26. Scipmen navarcas, Wrt. Voc. 62, 15. (1) a sailor, one of a ship's crew:--Ðá ongunnon ða nýdlingas and ða scypmen ða ancras on ðone sǽ sendan woldon ðæt scyp mid gefæstnian tentabant nautae anchoris in mare missis navem retinere, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 40. Volosianus hét hys scypmen swíðe forþ rówan, St. And. 44, 4. (2) one who goes on trading voyages:--Scipmanna (-e, MS.) myrt teloneum, Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 10. Ðǽm scipmannum is beboden gelíce and ðǽm landbúendum, ðæt ealles ðæs ðe him on heora ceápe geweáxe hig Gode ðone teóþan dǽl ágyfen, L. E. I. 35; Th. ii. 432, 27. [Arður him ot scipe fusde and hehte þat his scipmen brohten hine to Romerel, Laym. 28308. Agrayþed ase byeþ þe ssipmen ine ssipe, þet ase zone ase he yhyerþ þane smite of þe lodesmanne hi yerneþ, Ayenb. 140, 22. See Chaucer's Prologue, vIcel. skip-maðr one of a crew.] scip-mann

Mots connexes: 388-410.
