
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - scot

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

es ;

n. I. a shot, a shooting :--Hié his siððan wǽran swíðe éhtende ge mid scotum (gesceotum, MS. C.) ge mid stána torfungum ge mid eallum heora wígcræftum, Ors. 3, 9 ; Swt. 134, 15. [II. a shot, missile, and cf. No man ... No maner schot, ne pollax, ne schort knyf Into the listes, sende, Ch. K. T. 1686. See also the cognate words.] III. a rapid movement (v. sceótan, IV, III, ge-sceót (read -sceot), II), a rush, dart ;--Leax sceal on wǽle mid sceote scríðan, Menol. Fox 539 ; Gn. C. 40. IV. scot and lot">a scot (as in scot and lot, scot-free), a shot (as in to pay one's shot), a contribution, tax. v. sáwel-scot, sceót-an, VII. V. a building, v. sele-scot, ge-sceot, III. [O. Frs. scot a missile ; a contribution, tribute : O. H. Ger. scoz ; n. telum, jaculum : M. H. Ger. schoz ; m. tribute, tax: Icel. skot ; n. a shot, shooting ; a missile; a contribution.] v. ge-sceot (-scot) ; scyte. scot

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