Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - seld
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
es ;
- seld
- n. I. a seat, that on which one sits, a throne ; sedes :--In heofene seld his his throne is in heaven (A. V.), Ps. Surt. 10, 5 : 44, 7. Dóm gegearwung seldes ðínes, 88, 15 : 96, 2. Of dúne sette maehtge of selde, ii. p. 200, 20 : Cd. Th. 275, 17 ; Sat. 173 : 276, 12 ; Sat. 187. Ðǽr is sang æt selde (the throne of God), 306, 12 ; Sat. 662. Sang ymb seld secgan, 279, 9 ; Sat. 235. Siteþ him on heofnum, hafaþ wuldres bearn his seolfes seld, 301, 27 ; Sat. 588. God siteþ ofer seld hálig his, Ps. Surt. 46, 9 : 9, 8. Ealdormenn sǽton on seldum, Ps. Th. 118, 23. Hí on seldon sǽton æt dómum, 121, 5. II. a seat, residence, mansion, hall :--Scyppendes seld, Salm. Kmbl. 160 ; Sal. 79. Ðá hé ða mænego (the rebellious angels) ádráf of ðæm heán selde (heaven), Cd. Th. 277, 10 ; Sat. 202. Cwom Daniel in ðæt seld gangan, 225, 9 ; Dan. 151 : 262, 1 ; Dan. 737. Engel lét his hand cuman in ðæt heá seld (Belshazzar's hall), 261, 7 ; Dan. 722. Hié tempel strudon, Salomanes seld, 260, 19 ; Dan. 712. Com tó Heorot, ðǽr Hring-Dene geond ðæt sæld swǽfon, Beo. Th. 2564 ; B. 1280. Wǽron on ðyssum felda unríme gesomnunge manna and monig seld (or to I ?) gefeóndra weorada erant in hoc campo innumera hominum conventicula, sedesque plurimae agminum laetantium, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 629, 25. Ða heallícan seld palatias zetas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 23. Hú hé eft gesette swegeltorhtan seld, Cd. Th. 6, 27 ; Gen. 95. Heáhgetimbru, seld on swegle, Exon. Th. 137, 10 ; Gú. 557. [Ær he arise of selde, Laym. 25988. Cf. Goth. salithwa ; f. a mansion, chamber : O. Sax. seliða, selda : O. H. Ger. selida ; f. domicilium, mansio, habitaculum, tabernaculum.]