
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - síde

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

ad :-- Síde prolixius, Hpt. Gl. 526, 60. ¶ The word generally occurs along with wíde, far and wide :-- -Síde and wíde longe lateque, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 59: Cd. Th. 8, 3; Gen. 118: El. 554; El. 277. Hé Godes lof rǽrde wíde and síde, Chr. 959; Erl. 119, 26: Cd. Th. 1, 20: Gen. 101. Is wuldur ðín wíde and síde ofer ðás eorþan ealle in omnem terram gloria tua, Ps. Th. 56, 6, 13. Gesamnadon weras wíde and síde, Andr. Kmbl. 3273 ; An. 1639. Cyn-ingas hine wíde worðodon síde, Chr. 975 ; Erl. 125, 23. Ealra lǽca ðæra ðe gewurde wíde oððe síde, Hy. 1, 7. [Þis wes itald wide and side, Laym. 29902. Wide and side spelledd iss, Orm. 5900. Sidder (hanging) lower, Piers P. 5, 193.] Cf. preceding word. side

Mots connexes: Widely, extensively, amply
