
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - síþ-fæt

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

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in sing. generally masc., in pl. neut. I. a journey, expedition :--'Se síþfæt is ðyder tó lang, and ðone weg ic ne con.' Drihten him tó cwæþ : 'Andreas ic ðínne síþfæt gestaþelode,' Blickl. Homl. 231, 26-8 : Andr. Kmbl. 840 ; An. 420 : Elen. Kmbl. 458 ; El. 229. Ðæt gewin ðæs síþfætes labor itineris, Bd. 1, 23 ; S. 486, 1. Ðone intingan his síþfætes itineris sui causam, 4, 1 ; S. 563, 24 : Andr. Kmbl. 407 ; An. 204. Síþfates, Elen. Kmbl. 439 ; El. 220. Ðæt folc wearþ þrít mid ðam síþfæte taedere coepit populum itineris, Num. 21, 4. Ðú mé hafast on ðissum síþfæte sibbe gecýðed, Andr. Kmbl. 715 ; An. 358. Hé byþ on sýþfæte and gysthúses beþearf, L. E. I. 32 ; Th. ii. 430, 25. Ðý ongunnenan síþfate, Bd. 5, 19 ; S. 641, 2 : Kent. Gl. 307 : Cd. Th. 211, 4 ; Exod. 521 : Judth. Thw. 26, 19 ; Jud. 336. Ðonne hwá síþfæt onginnan wille, ðonne genime hé ðás wyrte artemisiam, and hæbbe mid him, ðonne ne ongyt hé ná mycel tó geswynce ðæs síþes, Lchdm. i. 102, 4. Ðone síþfæt him ceorlas lythwón lógon, Beo. Th. 406 ; B. 202 : Exon. Th. 274, 3 ; Jul. 527. Ongan síþfæt (his journey or (?) his fate, cf. síþ, V) seófian, wyrd wánian, 274, 22 ; Jul. 537. II. a path, course, way, road :--Weg via, síþfæt iter, Wrt. Voc. i. 53, 59. Rihtes síþfætes directi callis, ii. 140, 55. Síþfæte tramite, Hpt. Gl. 513, 26. Sunnan síþfæt the sun's path, Cd. Th. 182, 25 ; Exod. 81. Ealne gódne síþfet omnem semitam bonam, Kent. Gl. 20. Ðá oncierde ðæt scip on wónne síðfæt the ship took a wrong course, Shrn. 60, 8. Síþfatu calles, 27. Síþfata semitas, vias, Hpt. Gl. 457, 9. Ðá forléton wé ða frécnan wegas and síþfato, Nar. 17, 13. III. fig. a way, path, course :--Síþfæt árleásra losaþ iter impiorum peribit, Ps. Spl. 1, 7. Gerece mé on síþfæte (semita) rihtum, 26, 17. Gesundfull (gesundne, Ps. Th. 67, 20) síþfæt dó ús, 67, 21. Síþfæt sægde ðe hé mid wilddeórum áteáh told of his life with the wild beasts, Cd. Th. 256, 31 ; Dan. 649. Nú ðú ædre const síþfæt mínne. Ic sceal sárigferþ hweorfan . . . now thou shalt speedily know my course. Mournful must I wander . . . , Exon. Th. 184, 30 ; Gú. 1352. Hine geheald óþ ðæt hé his síþfæt secge ealne from orde (the devil is then made to give an account of his proceedings), 259, 20 ; Jul. 285 : 261, 20 ; Jul. 318. Síþfatu semitas, Ps. Spl. 24, 4. IV. course of time (?) :--Ðá wæs æfter síþfate ðæt mægen on him weóx in course of time it came to pass that strength grew in him, Guthl. 2 ; Gdwin. 12, 25. siþ-fæt