
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - synder-líc

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. Separate, special, private:--And ðære synderlíc[an] ac privata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 10. Ða synderlícan privatam, 75, 56. I. that is apart, separate, remote:--On senderlícum hulce in remoto (separato) tugurio, Hpt. Gl. 465, 43. II. private, that is done apart, not public:--Ða heáfodmenn on synderlícum geþeahte ðone sceat him sealdon, and bǽdon, ðæt hí sǽdon, ðæt ðæs Hǽlendes líc him wurde forstolen . . . Hí námon ðone sceatt, and swá þeáh on synderlícum rúnungum ðæt riht3 Q 2eall rǽdon, Homl. Ass. 79, 156-161. II a.private, without distinction, ordinary:--On synderlícum dagum (cf. on weorcdagum in contrast to freólstídum, R. Ben. 37, 5; 36, 9) diebus privatis, R. Ben. Interl. 43, 2. III. that belongs to an individual or that is adapted toa particular purpose, not in common, special, peculiar, proper:--Seó gesceádwísnes is synderlíc cræft ðære sáwle, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 10. Synderlíc gifu praerogativa, Hpt. Gl. 466, 42. Næfde se Fæder nán ðing synderlíces búton his Suna the Father had nothing not in common with his Son, Homl. Th. ii. 366, 12. Heora nán næfde siððan nán þingc sinderlíces, ac didon him ealgemǽne, L. Ælfc. P. 20; Th. ii. 370, 36. For synderlícum wurðmente privilegium, singularem honorem, Hpt. Gl. 411, 30. Ðes miccla wurðmynt nis ná ealra manna, ac on synderlícum wurðmynte ðám gesǽligum mǽdenum and ðám clǽnum cnapum, Homl. Ass. 41, 431. Ánra gehwylc ðara apostola biþ geseted tó his synderlícre stówe, Blickl. Homl. 143, 23. Hé ða syx dagas ǽr his þrowunga synderlíc weorc ǽlce dæge cýþde, 71, 30. God sealde heora ǽlcum synderlíce sprǽce, Ælfc. T. Grn. 4, 11. Ðonne wé for synderlecum synnum synderleca hreówsunga dóþ, Past. 53; Swt. 413, 28. Sume naman syndon specialia, ðæt synd synderlíce, ða ðe beóþ tódǽlede fram ðam gemǽnelícum, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Zup. 14, 6. IV. separated by superiority, singular, excellent, specially good:--Ðys is synderlíc lǽce-dóm wið eágena dymnysse, Lchdm. i. 178, 8. Synderlícere singulari, speciali, Hpt. Gl. 431, 23.

Mots connexes: sundor-líc. synderlic,synder-lic
